I appreciate the Love from which we come.
I give thanks for all the Good that comes from Love.
I value the gifts of Goodness, Beauty and Wholeness I give.
I give myself with generosity and joy.
Contribute = Give Gratitude!
Give your blessings!
Give your gratitude.
Give tribute!
Give freely and generously.
There is always plenty to give.
It is in giving that we receive.
As we prosper others, we are prospered.
With our blessings, we are blessed.
When we learn the value of giving, we prosper.
When we understand how flow works, we share.
When we experience the joy of giving, we give freely.
When we forgive limitation and withholding, we know abundance.
When our well runs low, it is due to self-denial.
When we are not valuing our gifts, we deplete our own fulfillment.
When we give where it is not valued, we question our worth.
When we judge ourselves to be “not enough”, we deny our value.
It is important to love, respect and appreciate ourselves.
It is important to give ourselves the best we have in thoughts, words and actions.
It is important that we receive all we give to others.
It is important to know our own wellspring of Love.
When we give, give without expectation.
When we give, give with joy and gratitude.
When we give, honor the Source of the Gifts.
When we give, allow the Love from which we give to be valued.
All Good comes from Love and returns to Love.
There is no Love wasted.
How we use the Love we have is our choice.
Give Love, let it show and watch Love Grow.
When we do not freely Love, there is a call for forgiveness.
Everything that is not Love is always a call for Love.
When we forget to Love, we have made an error.
The error is corrected when we remember to give Love again.
Let us open our hearts to give as we are called.
Let us give the Love we have to those who appreciate our Love.
Let us give Love where it is needed and valued.
Let us remember the best contribution we can make is to be grateful.
Appreciating the Love within you and each one of us,
Betty Lue
I appreciate the Love from which we come.
I give thanks for all the Good that comes from Love.
I value the gifts of Goodness, Beauty and Wholeness I give.
I give myself with generosity and joy.
Contribute = Give Gratitude!
Give your blessings!
Give your gratitude.
Give tribute!
Give freely and generously.
There is always plenty to give.
It is in giving that we receive.
As we prosper others, we are prospered.
With our blessings, we are blessed.
When we learn the value of giving, we prosper.
When we understand how flow works, we share.
When we experience the joy of giving, we give freely.
When we forgive limitation and withholding, we know abundance.
When our well runs low, it is due to self-denial.
When we are not valuing our gifts, we deplete our own fulfillment.
When we give where it is not valued, we question our worth.
When we judge ourselves to be “not enough”, we deny our value.
It is important to love, respect and appreciate ourselves.
It is important to give ourselves the best we have in thoughts, words and actions.
It is important that we receive all we give to others.
It is important to know our own wellspring of Love.
When we give, give without expectation.
When we give, give with joy and gratitude.
When we give, honor the Source of the Gifts.
When we give, allow the Love from which we give to be valued.
All Good comes from Love and returns to Love.
There is no Love wasted.
How we use the Love we have is our choice.
Give Love, let it show and watch Love Grow.
When we do not freely Love, there is a call for forgiveness.
Everything that is not Love is always a call for Love.
When we forget to Love, we have made an error.
The error is corrected when we remember to give Love again.
Let us open our hearts to give as we are called.
Let us give the Love we have to those who appreciate our Love.
Let us give Love where it is needed and valued.
Let us remember the best contribution we can make is to be grateful.
Appreciating the Love within you and each one of us,
Betty Lue