Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Letting Go!

Love is letting go of fear.
Life is for giving and I Am the Gift.
I free myself to look for the open door.
I learn to listen to the path of delight.

When One Door Closes…..

When it is time to let go, holding on only hurts.
When it is time to forgive, telling the old stories replicates the past.
When it is time to create anew, looking at old pictures blocks our vision.
When it is time to move on, stop ruminating, let go, seek de light and go for it!

Grieving comes from incompletion.
Hanging on comes from fear.
Limited vision comes from looking back.
Dancing in the light comes from turning our face to the sun.

There is nothing to judge, but judgment itself.  (Even this, we must forgive.)
When we are stuck in our own judgments and others’ opinions, we lose our way.
When we cannot hear our inner voice, we are listening to the outer voices and negative noise.
When we do not know which way to go, we are afraid to remake the mistakes we have not forgiven.

The innocence of a child allows us to follow the path of love.
The path of love shows us the beauty and goodness in what already is.
The beauty and goodness we seek lies within each one of us.
It is our healing work to only seek what is good and whole and beautiful within ourselves.

In remembering Love, we return to wholeness.
In remembering our purpose, we return to happiness.
In remembering our freedom, we return to creativity.
In remembering our True and Authentic Self, we trust, respect and honor the One We Are.

When a door closes, stop knocking.
When something ends, look for the next beginning.
When we are done, it is always time to go Home. (to Source within ourselves!)
When something is finished, there is no need to wait for understanding or figure out what happened.

Life is a journey in exploring the creative power of the mind.
Life is a celebration of the moments of insight, wisdom and expanded vision.
Life is a joyous reminder of the invincible resilient of life itself.
Life is the Eternal expression of God and Good and Goodness ItSelf.

Enjoy freedom today.
Release suffering and let go.
Listen to the desires of your heart.
Follow the path of joy and delight.

Loving you,
Betty Lue