Tuesday, January 09, 2018

First Things First

I love myself just the way I am.
What is best for me is best for others.
I take impeccable care of my whole Self daily.
I live the message I give and all wake up and remember.

Take Care of What is Yours!

With so much need in your world, take care of you.
With so many questions to be answered, listen to you.
With so many places to go, be at home with you.
With so much to be given, give first to you,

You are Important.
You are the seer and the listener.
You are the healer and the comforter.
You are the gift and the giver.

When you have not seen what is right and true, you may not have listened to you.
When you are not comforting yourself, you may remember to heal and be whole.
When you have not received the gift, you may not realize the gift you are.
Care first for you precious Self and the Gift You Are.

You are the message and the messenger.
You are the example and role model.
You are the loving and beloved.
You must treat yourself as the precious Being You Are.

Honor your Calling.
Live your Purpose.
Follow your Dream.
Be true to you.

When you allow yourself to be distracted, delayed or detoured, you lose your way.
When you deny yourself the listening and peace you deserve, no one can hear your message.
When you continue on the road and leave your Self behind, you get confused in purpose.
When you linger too long with those who don’t care, no one is caring for you.

Give yourself the care you deserve.
Take time with yourself to listen to your message.
Be where you are with peace and renewal.
Honor the Gift you came here to give.

Give your Self the Abundance of Love you are here to receive.
Leave not your whole and holy Self and take great care of you
This is your place and your time to truly Love You.

I am loving you always,
Betty Lue