I begin with Self Care so I can care for others.
I trust myself to have what I need to share.
I know that others count on me.
I appreciate taking impeccable care of me.
Take Care of You!
When you care for yourself, you will care for others.
When you forgive yourself, you will forgive others.
When you give your best, you will give your best to others.
When you live well, you will inspire others to live well.
Start within.
Clear the fear with love.
Clean your thoughts with kindness.
Undo your anger with forgiveness.
There is an urgency for us all to undo what is untrue.
There is a call to give our best to ourselves first.
There is a choice to give voice to the highest values.
There is a Love that prevails no matter what seems to be.
Be willing to love yourself no matter what!
Be open to listen within to the voice of Love.
Be trusting of what you can give and receive.
Be free to fully express the joy and gratitude within.
You are a gift in how you think and feel and say.
You provide so much goodness for those around you.
You show us all how to be good to ourselves and to others.
You share with all the kindness your feel.
Love is the way we walk and live in gratitude.
Love is the song we sing when we listen to our heart.
Love is the abundance you offer as you live each day.
Love is who you truly are and will always be.
I trust you to remember how to take care of you.
I call for you to pay attention to your whole self.
I honor you for being willing to do your best.
I appreciate the ways you remind me and others we matter.
You matter to me.
I matter to you
We all matter to one another.
We are here together to remind ourselves we matter.
Remember to love yourself well as you live the life you desire.
Remember that your SELF Love is not selfish but a loving reminder for everyone.
Keep on loving you every day from morning to night.
Remember, you are Love ItSelf.
Loving you,
I begin with Self Care so I can care for others.
I trust myself to have what I need to share.
I know that others count on me.
I appreciate taking impeccable care of me.
Take Care of You!
When you care for yourself, you will care for others.
When you forgive yourself, you will forgive others.
When you give your best, you will give your best to others.
When you live well, you will inspire others to live well.
Start within.
Clear the fear with love.
Clean your thoughts with kindness.
Undo your anger with forgiveness.
There is an urgency for us all to undo what is untrue.
There is a call to give our best to ourselves first.
There is a choice to give voice to the highest values.
There is a Love that prevails no matter what seems to be.
Be willing to love yourself no matter what!
Be open to listen within to the voice of Love.
Be trusting of what you can give and receive.
Be free to fully express the joy and gratitude within.
You are a gift in how you think and feel and say.
You provide so much goodness for those around you.
You show us all how to be good to ourselves and to others.
You share with all the kindness your feel.
Love is the way we walk and live in gratitude.
Love is the song we sing when we listen to our heart.
Love is the abundance you offer as you live each day.
Love is who you truly are and will always be.
I trust you to remember how to take care of you.
I call for you to pay attention to your whole self.
I honor you for being willing to do your best.
I appreciate the ways you remind me and others we matter.
You matter to me.
I matter to you
We all matter to one another.
We are here together to remind ourselves we matter.
Remember to love yourself well as you live the life you desire.
Remember that your SELF Love is not selfish but a loving reminder for everyone.
Keep on loving you every day from morning to night.
Remember, you are Love ItSelf.
Loving you,
Betty Lue