I believe in Love.
I believe in the Love within you and me.
I believe Love sets us free to be.
I believe we can Trust in Love to create miracles.
Believe in what resonates with you.
that Love will bring happiness.
Believe in
the Goodness within You.
what you believe.
Yes, I believe in Christ mass.
I believe
in the Goodness in all children.
I believe
in forgiveness of our mistakes, both unconscious and intentional.
I believe
we are here to learn to live in love and practice loving.
The Teachers of Love and Peace are many from different
places and times.
opportunities to learn Peace are found in many teachings.
My original
teachings are traditional Christian with an emphasis on practical Christianity
I love the
hymns and pageants and gift giving and mostly giving to those in need.
Mostly I am called to Reunion, the return to Love through
our own faith.
I honor
what works for each individual and how they choose to believe.
I have
embraced many religions that are based on forgiveness and Love.
appreciate the value of choosing and following a spiritual path to live by.
I continue to believe in Santa, the symbol of giving to
While some
see Santa as the way to “get” presents, I see him as teaching us how to give
Give to
those in need, those who have no one to love them or neglectful of real caring
and giving.
I was shown
how to love generously as a child with no need to “get” anything in return.
Gifts to me were simple and thoughtful and mostly something
that could be valuable to share.
Real gifts
given are the ones that have lasting meaning, like quality time and Presence.
I usually
give to my grandchildren throughout the year rather than the pile under the
I respect
the opportunity to teach those around me to look outside for giving what
Christmas and Chanukah represent the miracles of Love and
Light as they give us life.
Whenever we
come to believe that Love is real and Light restores faith, it is truly a gift.
When we
forgive, we wash away the pain and lack by seeing what is restored and
When we
reach out in faith and give what is needed to behappy and live, we have truly
Believe peace is possible and it shall be nurtured in you.
that all children can be fed and educated and you will contribute to both.
that life on earth can become healthy for all, and you will support better
that you can make a difference and you will play you part, personally and
You are making a difference right now by asking yourself
what you really believe.
Live what
you believe and you will be inspired.
Give what
you have to make another happy and you will be happier in the giving.
Enjoy the
Goodness and Love you share, and expand the Good and Love in You.
Believe and what you believe will work for you.
Wishing us
all Peace in our minds and Love in our hearts.
Betty Lue