release what is not mine to be and do.
choose to live the Highest and Best way for me.
am grateful I am free to choose.
seek and find that which is best for me.
Fulfills You?
things and stuff do not fulfill you.
It is Joy that fills
you up.
It is not how many
toys and tools you acquire.
It is deep and
profound Gratitude that brings you Joy.
ego may search endlessly for that inner Joy.
But when we find our
heart’s desire we are fulfilled.
Begin asking, “What
brings me true and lasting Joy?”
am I really seeking today and everyday?”
Is it helping
someone that brings me joy?
Is it discovering
something that brings me Joy?
Is it learning
something new that inspires me?
Is it accomplishing
or achieving?
Is it exploring
Is it enjoying
Is it being in
nature that lifts my spirits?
Is it nurturing
and nourishing?
Is it teaching?
Is it providing?
Is it protecting?
Is it creating
Is it building?
Is it entertaining?
Is it loving
and being Loved?
to look over the quality of your Life.
Find the “high
points” that seem to transcend the rest of life.
Seek the places and
people and moments in which you feel your best.
Follow the path of
happiness and peace and you will find what is yours to be and do.
we discover that which is our true calling, we know it and show it!
When we understand
what brings us a good nights’ sleep with inner peace, we know fulfillment.
When we smile at the
realization we are living the life we really want, we are truly happy.
When we are grateful
for each day, we are truly successful.
is that inner joy and contentment that transcends what we think.
Some experience
peace of mind.
Some know profound
Some find deep
passion and enthusiasm.
seek for what brings you enthusiasm and aliveness.
You deserve
fulfillment in your life.
Once you have found
it, seek only to sustain what is right and real for you.
Your life can be
totally fulfilling everyday.
your life the highest way and rejoice.
Living in Love and
Peace and Joy,
Betty Lue