I listen but seek the underlying intention.
I honor my own words for their real meaning.
I seek love and the call for love.
I respond to the real message in what I hear.
Is Anyone Listening?
Are you listening to what is being said?
Are you saying
what you need to hear?
Is anyone telling
their truth?
Are we each
inside our own world?
are talking but very few are listening.
We are all talking
to ourselves.
We are here to
receive our own messages.
We must discern our
intention for the words we say and write.
are thinking, but are not hearing our own thought.
Most are believing
what they think and say is true.
But how much is
just regurgitating what we have heard?
Do you truly
believe what we think and say and do?
Do we learn from what we say?
Do we believe the
truth we tell?
Does anyone
really care?
Are we willing to
be what we seem to profess?
So many words all jumbled together.
So many opposing
beliefs, opinions and “truths”.
We pick and
choose what we want to make ours.
How can we tell
who is really hearing and understanding?
Media sources all disagree, because it is all just beliefs.
People sharing
with us to get agreement and approval.
We try to
control, convince and contrive with words.
We even try to
make ourselves believe what we want to believe.
Who knows?
Who cares?
Who listens?
Who want to find
something to believe?
will find your own “truth” or “belief”.
You will explore and
experiment what is “right” for you.
You will try to
believe what you want to be so.
You will doubt you
can or will every really know.
is this constant state of doing and undoing.
We are here to claim
our own choice and creation.
We get to create,
buy and express our own truth to believe in.
And we allow
everyone else to do the same.
fun, interesting and Good to know.
Loving all I learn
from everyone and everything.
Betty Lue