Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wake Up Calls!

There is a blessing in all things.
I trust my inner guidance and respond with clarity and confidence.
I know that all things work together for good.
Life is fun, safe and easy when I listen within for spiritual guidance.

Everything Unlike Love Is A Wakeup Call!

Here we are in South Lake County with yet another wildfire.
Homes burned, people displaced and homeless.
Worldly goods are lost and roads are blocked.
Repeating what happened last year and the years before.

So how does one process and clear resentment, grief and guilt from the past?
How do we deal with chronic illness?
What happens when jobs are lost?
How do families deal with crime, addiction, abuse, death, bankruptcy and foreclosure?
How do countries deal with violence, war, drought, floods, starvation and politic takeovers?
How does our country deal with fear-based politics, bigotry, hatred and fear?

Everything unlike love is a wakeup call.
Everything that doesn’t feel right and good and true, is calling you and I to choose again.
We are in the midst of a crisis or crossroads to choose where, who and how we choose to live.
We can become negative, cynical, depressed, unkind and uncaring or choose what is better.

When we hear a whisper calling us to choose something better, we can easily respond.
When we find ourselves not listening, the quiet inner request becomes louder.
When we deny or doubt the call to choose, change or commit to something else, we get a louder call.
Always with a disaster or difficulty, listen within:  How am I to respond to what is happening?

All difficulties are an obvious call for choosing something better.
When we do not respond with an open willingness to change, the voice within becomes more obvious.
Our work is to show up, pay attention and tell the highest truth. 
Find the best way to go with the flow and make choices for the Highest Good.

When experiencing detours, delays, disasters, discouragement, devastation, disease or depression…
Stop your defensiveness, projection, blame and guilt, resentment and fear.
Be quiet and listen.
Meditate, reflect and contemplate:
What am to learn?
How am I to respond?
What is the gift and blessings in this?
Where am I to go and what am I to  do?
How can I find a more positive approach?

The most efficient and effective answer will save time, energy and open the flow.
The best choice is the one which expresses what is good for all.
The highest way is around all the obstacles, complaints, excuses, resistance and fears.
Be creative in experiencing positive solutions which demonstrate trust and freedom.

I trust in the power of positive prayer and affirmative thought and action.
Loving us around and through all obstacles to follow the light.
Betty Lue