I ground myself in being truly helpful.
I center myself with loving intention and actions.
I maintain my sanity with trust in Goodness within.
I release what is no longer valuable and remember what is whole and loving.
Stuff Happens…..
may fall apart, so they can fall together.
Disintegration often
yields integration at a higher level.
Change may create
chaos, so we can find a new level of order.
Losing everything
may give a new perspective on what is truly valuable.
When stuff happens, what do we do?
Most of our
reactive behaviors come from what we learned to do as young children.
Some have a temper
tantrum and fall apart.
Some get very quiet
and get to work.
Some are amazed and
delighted by the mess.
Some keep asking why
is this happening to me.
Some take a vacation
or go to sleep to come back refreshed.
Some fall apart and
feel sorry for themselves.
Some get drunk or
high to avoid the pain and confusion.
Some cannot get
respond until they get themselves together.
Some seek friends to
talk with.
Some need alone time
to figure our what to do.
Some feel relieved
to get out of their stuckness.
Some feel energized
about the new beginning.
Everyone handles
catastrophe and change differently.
some people, comfort and order provide sanity.
For others, their
routine and familiar patterns represent who they are.
Safety and security
often means love.
And when not safe
and secure, we feel loss of love.
people are traumatized, we need to understand and help stablilize..
It is important to
respond with safety, security and love.
Often children
simply need a familiar object to cling to.
Others may need a
good home-cooked meal or good bed to sleep in.
losing home, job or relationship, it is essential we understand the needs.
Whether abrupt or
planned out well, everyone needs to feel safe, secure and stable.
When the basics in
life are uncertain, everyone needs a way to find their center.
When we put the
pieces together, everyone will begin to feel sane and safe again.
help ourselves and others, we can contribute comfort and reassurance.
We can encourage
familiar songs and foods, and positive dreams and memories.
It is always helpful
to ground others with touch and taste and sound and sights.
Everyone will be
reassured differently, so gently explore what brings comfort.
to not judge but offer peace and understanding to yourself and others.
Grateful for the
profound love, safety and comfort we offer one another,
Betty Lue
We are
safe and pray for the safety of all others.
is time for us more than ever remember, only love prevails.
is our bedrock and our guide.
it always be so.
Betty Lue
Full of love !
Feeling Grief for what was,
Gratitude for what is,
And Curiosity about what will be.
Life is a changing and transforming landscape of creative potential.
Blessings are here within!
Betty Lue
Betty Lue