Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I live with inspiration as my guide to integrity.
I inspire others by being inspired.
I live my life my way with gratitude and joy.
Being true to myself is happy, healthy and wise.

Do What Inspires You!

Live your life your way.
Do what give you energy.
Follow what heart.
Be true to yourself.

As children, we know what makes us happy.
As  adults, we often make ourselves do what makes someone else happy.
We learn to follow what others think, advise or teach us to do.
We learn to be untrue to ourselves and get approval from others.

The path of approval is treacherous.
What got approval one day may get disapproval the next.
What makes our heart sing may be noisy and irritating to others.
What we learn is to see rewards from others rather than our inner reward.

The inner joy that comes from living with inspiration is incomparable.
The outer rewards of money and approval fade with changes in circumstances.
The peace-filled contentment from living true to ourselves is priceless.
The natural energy of self fulfillment inspires us to live our true purpose.

We need not be motivated by rewards or approval when we are inspired.
We need not be filled with promised of outer riches when we are on purpose.
We need not be tempted by fame and glory when we are living our dreams.
Life is fun, safe, easy and naturally energizing when we are following our heart.

In the complexity of many paths, purposes and people, we may lose our way.
In the seeking for fame and fortune, we may be tempted by what others advise.
In the conflict between outer reward and inner contentment, we may be unclear.
In the comparison with others choices, we may neglect or forget what we want.

Time to stop and search your inner self, your spiritual guides, for your own way.
Time to listen within and seek out what is highest and best for you.
Time to allow happiness and contentment to be your guideposts for self fulfillment.
Time to enjoy being you and doing what you love to do solely for the joy of doing it.

You will inspire others as you stay inspired with living.
Please live with inspiration for all of us.
Betty Lue

Edited from Abraham
Your joy factor will remain constant as you are continually refining your ideas of what you want, and that's why it is so important for you to get everybody else out of the equation.

They've got their own game going on; they don't understand your game.
Give them a break; stop asking them what they think.

Start paying attention to how you feel.
Joy will be yours immediately.

Everything else that you have ever thought would make you happy, will start flowing, seemingly effortlessly, into your experience.