Saturday, April 04, 2015


As I awaken to myself, I can see Who We Are.
As I do the work to clear my mind, I wake up to the Light within.
As I enliven myself being responsible for my life, I live in joy and gratitude.
I love my life’s work and it benefits and blesses everyone, including me.

Awakening to Who You Are

Are you awake yet?
Do you know your true Self?
Do you listen to your own inner Voice?
Do you honor what is right and Good for You?

When you are sleeping on the job, you will not accomplish what you are called to have, be and do.
When you allow yourself to let everyone else distract, disappoint and delay you, you will fall short.
When you avoid being totally responsible for your life choices, you will lose yourself in guilt and blame.
When you let depression take over with self medication, laziness and apathy, you will neglect and forget.

Life at its best is work.
The work of life is rewarding.
The work of life is enjoyable.
The work of life creates success.

The work reveals the mental limitations and faulty thinking that create failure.
Failures show us what we may not want to see and refuse to believe.
Addictions cloud our consciousness and conscientious work required to succeed.
Excuses, justifications and victimization conscious sets us up to sit back and wait for help.

The help we need is ourselves.
The help we seek is changing our mind
The help that works is to develop a positive attitude.
The help that empowers us to to let go of everything that blocks our self trust and freedom.

When we roll away the illusions, myths, fantasies and failures, we can see the light.
In the light we see Who We Really Are.
We come to see our unlimited potential.
We awaken to what is possible for us.

The work required is to clear the clouds.
The work required is to stay awake.
The work required is to change our attitude.
The work required is to forgive all the ways we have let ourselves fail.

Many fall asleep on the job of living.
Many wait to get help instead of giving.
Many are distracted by unconscious complaining.
Many assume others make them fail.

Until we take full and total responsibility for what we see and believe, we are stuck.
Until we own our own lack of choice or limiting beliefs, we cannot choose freedom.
Until we lift the veil of unconscious faulty and victim consciousness, we cannot forgive and choose again.
Until we make the choice to love, trust, honor and appreciate our authentic Self, we will stay asleep.

I choose to be fully conscious and fully responsible for my life experiences.
Let us wake up to the Love We are here to set free and be.
Loving us all as we awaken together,
Betty Lue

The 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing
By Jerry Jampolsky, MD and ACIM

1.       The essence of our being is love.

2.       Health is inner peace; healing is letting go of fear.

3.       Giving and receiving are the same.

4.       We can let go of the past and of the future.

5.       Now is the only time there is, and each instant is for giving.

6.       We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than by judging.

7.       We can become love finders rather than fault finders.

8.       We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside, regardless of what is happening outside.

9.       We are students and teachers to each other.

10.    We can focus on the whole of life, rather than the fragments.

11.    Since love is eternal, change need not be viewed as fearful.

12.    We can always perceive others as either extending love or giving a call for help.

Attitudinal Healing affirms that we are responsible for our thoughts and whatever feelings we experience.

Attitudinal Healing encourages us to re-examine our relationships, bringing them into the present by releasing past judgments and grievances.

Attitudinal Healing reminds us that perception is a mirror of what is in our mind.