live with joy as my light.
learn with love along the way.
give with gratitude as my gift.
rest in peace with the Good I have.
Along The Way
Joy is
our guiding Light.
Love is the Way.
Peace gives us
Gratitude is our
Gift everyday.
we listen to Spirit to find our way, we live in love everyday.
When we follow
guidance, we hear in our heart and know peace is our holy part.
When we live from
the core of our being with joy, we release what is not true.
When we look for
guideposts along the way, we find forgiveness and integrity as our path.
step at a time with consciousness in mind …..this is the way.
Our daily commitment
to give the good we know….this is our choice.
A spiritual practice
with reminders of what’s true.….this is our work.
Always remembering
to love me and love you…..we recognize the good we each do.
many times we get lost along the way.
We get frightened
and discouraged.
We get distracted
and depressed.
We get hurt, angry
and sad.
all it takes is to make new choices at the beginning of each day.
We can always begin
all over again.
Learn what we learn
and make new choices with conscience as our guide.
Listen to your heart
and follow the way that is true with no harm to anyone.
offers us blessings in everything.
Love leads the way
to find inner peace.
Joy tells us we are
on the right path.
Gratitude is our
gift to complete each step.
up calls come with upsets and interruptions.
These too give us
pause to correct our ways.
With lack of love
and joy and peace, we know we are off path.
When we experience
what is not working, we know we are off purpose.
is our most powerful opportunity to forgive and choose again.
Upsets are valuable
to remind us to stop, listen and make amends.
To right our course,
we must simply seek the way of peace.
To be on purpose, we
must remember what our purpose is.
what is it my friend?
you willing to see the guiding light of joy?
you willing to know the safety of living in love?
you willing to walk the path of peace?
Let us
begin to listen, love, learn and let go together,
Loving us all as
Betty Lue