do as I feel guided to do.
live each day true to my calling.
support myself by focusing on Love.
trust in the choices I make.
you know who you are, you will love yourself.
When you live what
you know, you will respect yourself.
When you do as you
are guided, you will trust yourself.
When you love, trust
and respect yourself, you will be whole and happy and free.
is the secret to a good life.
This is how life is
fun, safe and easy.
This is how you can
be content and at peace.
This is the way home
to your True and Authentic Self.
trust and respect yourself.
There is no magic.
There is the
willingness to learn.
There is the need
for work, consistency and persistence.
begins when you choose to begin really living.
Life begins when you
are willing to listen within.
Life begins when you
live with the values you know.
Life begins when you
clear the fear and resistance.
malingering and get busy.
Stop neglecting your
work and start now.
Stop blaming and
shaming yourself and others.
Start by forgiving
the past and begin right now.
today the way you say you want to live.
Give right now the
best you have and even better.
Be today who you
wish you could be.
Trust today that
life is the gift you give to yourself.
You can deny yourself anything.
Only you can stop
withholding Love from you.
Only you can doubt
you can do what you set out to do.
Only You can change
your mind and undo the lethargy and fear.
the way and choose again.
Stop feeling sorry
for yourself and just get up and do it.
Stop making excuses
and do what you know is yours to do.
Be the beautiful,
good and inspired being you are called to be.
can do this!
One hour at a time.
One day at a time.
This is your day,
your month and your year.
believe in YOU!
Betty Lue
Talk to
me and I will respond, because YOU MATTER TO ME!
can change your world, beginning with YOURSELF!