I am enough.
I have enough.
There is always more time, energy and resources than I need.
I give all I have and always have more to give.
Do you have
enough time, energy and money?
Are you doing your
“fair” share?
Are you giving all
you are to what is best for all?
Are you limiting
yourself because you fear not being enough?
Life is
challenging us to look at what feels fair.
When we believe we
do not have, we do not have enough.
When we think we
cannot be enough, we stop being who we are.
When we limit
ourselves because we have learned to withhold, we see what is lacking.
The process of
limitation creates what seems limited.
The process of
limitlessness creates what seems unlimited.
And so it is we
create our own experience of “enough” or “not enough”.
When we think,
speak, behave and give with gratitude and joy, we experience
We can choose to
give our best with generosity and joy.
We can wait to see
what others are giving with limits and caution.
We can allow
ourselves to over give in competition with others and seeking praise.
We can simply
contribute what is fun, safe and easily flows through us naturally.
When we trust we
have what we need, we are trust and free ourselves to share.
When we doubt and
withhold what we have, we limit what we have and do and share.
When we are
limiting, we feel limited and lacking and little.
When we are
unlimited, we feel free, abundant and expansive.
When we separate
from our Source, we feel small and alone.
When we connect with
our Source, we feel magnificent and connected.
When we doubt we are
worthy, we feel undeserving and not enough.
When we know we are
worthy, we feel important and capable and able to respond to all things with
Our life
experiences begin with what we are taught, programmed, observe and experience.
What we see and
feel, hear and do teaches us habits and patterns of unconscious thoughts and
When we are living
as we have learned with limitation and lack, we feel needy.
When we have lived
with freedom and trust, we experience confidence and abundance.
So it is we are
called to unlearn, undo, and seek only what is true within our natural state of
Love is our
natural state……Fear is
Joy is our
natural state……...Pain is
Abundance is
our natural state… Lack is
Wholeness is
our natural state…..Limitation
is learned.
Let us
forgive, erase and delete all that is false and limiting.
Let us affirm,
accept and appreciate all that is true and unlimited.
Loving you without
Betty Lue
“Our Deepest Fear”
Our deepest fear
is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
It is our light,
not our darkness,
that most frightens
We ask ourselves,
“Who am I to be brilliant,
talented and fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that others won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within
It is not just in some of us,
it is in everyone,
and as we let our own light shine
we unconsciously give other people permission
to do
the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear
our presence automatically liberates others.
Maryann Williamson