I learn from everything and everyone to be kind, responsible and
I teach how to live a good life following your own values and principles.
I live what I teach and learn as I go.
Life works for me because I am always open and willing to learn.
We learn from
everyone and everything whether we know it or not.
What we hear and
see, feel and touch, is teaching us.
What we think is
teaching us.
What we are learning
we will become.
What we perceive
we strengthen in ourselves.
What we see in
others is also in us or we would not see it.
What we say to
others is a teaching for ourselves, even when we believe is belongs to them.
When we believe we
are separate and immune from what we think and say and do, we are mistaken.
Everything is
part of us.
Everyone is our
Every experience is
our lesson.
Every thought word
and deed is teaching all the universe, including us.
What are you
Pay attention to
what you watch on TV, lyrics of songs, stories that you hear and people you
Pay attention to
what you say, what stories you tell, what gossip you share, your judgments of
Pay attention to how
you spend your time, your energy and your money.
When and how are
you learning?
Every moment, waking
and sleeping you are learning from, sights, sounds, smells, taste and touch.
Your mind is a grand
receiver when you are open and without filtering the experiences you have.
When you are not
discerning and consciously choosing, you may find yourself being like others.
We learn as
infants and young children without any discernment of what is good or bad for
When our parents,
teachers and role models swear, yell, hurt others physically or emotionally, we
When we see
happy, respectful , responsible adults, we learn from their example.
When we see unhappy,
disrespectful, irresponsible and lazy adults, we learn.
Habits are just
learning without questioning or conscious choice.
They can be
unlearned when we know there is a better way.
Addiction is a habit
on which we are dependent, which can be healed by choosing differently.
When we know of no
better choice, we find ourselves stuck with no healthier options.
To change bad
habits, unhealthy learning and limited beliefs, let us expose ourselves to a
better way.
To find better
teachers, better examples, better possibilities, we need to seek and find
better choices.
To be stuck in what
is familiar and comfortable without options, is living a limited life.
Living a limited
life of lack and self belittling unaware of options, we must be show something
Look for teachers
who live what they teach.
Seek lessons that
teach respect, responsibility and cooperation.
Choose relationships
that are kind, helpful and encourage the best in you and themselves.
Allow yourself to
believe you can have a better life of peace and happiness.
Learning and
teaching better ways, every day,
Betty Lue