Everything works together for Good.
Everything is in my own best interest.
Everything always works more exquisitely than I can plan.
I learn from everything I think, do and say.
Are you awake?
Are you paying
Do you know what
you want to see and be?
Do you need a
wakeup call?
Life gives us wakeup
calls when we are sleeping.
We use what we know
to make our lives work.
When we are ignorant
of the infinite possibilities, we may get stuck with limited beliefs.
When we are limited
in our choices, we may continue to do what we did as children.
How often have
you hated someone or something and been unaware that it hurts you?
How many times
have you made yourself sick or hurt but believed it was not a choice?
How often to you
keep trying and even dying to your old self to try something new?
How many times
will it take for you to wakeup and see the reality of creation?
Whether we know
it or not, this is a failsafe world.
When we are awake,
no longer a victim to our experiences, we can see what is ours to change.
When we no longer
blame ourselves, the Universe or anyone, we will claim our creative power.
When we stop
malingering, delaying or distracting ourselves, we come to realize we can
Wakeup calls can
be whispers offering us ideas, inspiration and imagination for those who
Wakeup calls can
be insights, inner guidance, higher consciousness for the willing and
Wakeup calls can
be warnings, bumps and bruises, unexpected happenings and roadblocks.
Wakeup calls can
be disasters, divorces, diseases and dismissals.
We each choose
when and how we get the lesson, learn our response-ability and choose again.
Some wake up quickly
and stay awake to what works.
Some wake up slowly
and fall back asleep to what works.
Some fight to stay
asleep with anger, blame and resentment.
When we awaken
and take responsibility for our lives, we actually find amusement in our
When we awaken to
the reality of choice, we stop playing helpless victims.
When we awaken, we
learn from mistakes and choose again for better and wiser ways.
When we awaken, we
choose to discern what is highest and best, what is good for all.
Many have learned
to blame or praise an external God or Doctor or Parents.
Some learn to blame
fate, or destiny or karma and past lives.
A few wake up and
pay attention to their own thoughts and mental images.
When awake, we laugh
at our dreams and nightmares and see all adventures as lessons.
If you don’t like
what you have, be thoughtful.
If you are angry and
blaming, forgive them.
If you are hurt and
feel guilty, forgive you.
If you are awake and
learning, be grateful.
The Goodness in
everything is known when we are willing to see.
The Gift is all
things is present when we are open to receive.
The blessing in what
is comes with our blessing.
The joy of being
awake is taking full responsibility.
Waking humanity
up with every thought, word and deed,
Betty Lue
of Remembering
stories of past pain, problems or mistakes.
criticizing, aloud or silently.
need to justify, explain or seek approval.
every harmful thought, word or deed.
on giving your best right now.
up after yourself and keep life in order.
no one with your thoughts, words or deeds.
yourself and apologize immediately.
you see something that is needed, simply do it.
your body and mind with only good.
everything you have and do and are.
to be happy, content and grateful.
with clarity and intention to give only Love.
go of what no longer works for you.
every moment, as if God (Love) in all Life matters….because it does.
Lue, 2013