enjoy the work I do.
work is a blessing to me and to all humanity.
am willing and able to make a difference everyday in everyway.
is fun, safe and easy when I do the work that is mine to do.
happened to enjoying work?
What is wrong
with work?
Do you equate
work with lower class?
Have you expected
others to do it for you?
you want is worth working for!
When you work for a
goal, you will feel pleased with the result.
When you let others
do the work, you won’t really care as much.
When you are willing
to put some time, energy and resources into it, you will benefit more.
Some people work
on playing hard and looking good.
Some people play
hard and look good and let others do the work.
Some kids and adults
expect their parents to work and let them relax.
When do we stop
relying on the elders or the government or our money work for us?
What happens,
when there is no one there to take out the trash or pay the bills?
What happens when
everyone is watching TV, texting, hanging out on the internet or just sleeping?
When do we become
responsible for our selves, our homes, our bills and our lives?
Is our laziness,
carelessness and dependency the downfall of our culture and society?
I am willing to
Are You?
I enjoy what I
Do You?
I am grateful I
can contribute.
Are you?
I love making
each day count.
I respect my family,
my work, my home, my life.
I value what I do
for a living.
I use my time,
energy and money wisely.
Waste not,
want not.
I waste nothing I
have, therefore I always have what I need.
Without a
reason, there will be no motivation.
I motivate myself by
seeing the value of what I do everyday.
Do you have a
reason to work?
Are you taking
care of yourself?
Have you quit on
Do you see any
value in creating a good life for you and your loved ones?
Is your head
clear and your house clean?
Is your language,
behavior and lifestyle respectful of you?
Do you dress,
talk and live like you value yourself?
Do you care about
your body and mind, home and finances, values and contributions?
Work on yourself
with Love.
Work on your
relationships with respect.
Work on your family
life with appreciation.
Work on handling
what you have earned with consciousness and honesty.
You deserve to
discover the joy of really working on what makes a difference in your life!
You will realize how
much you are loved when you work on loving yourself.
I am loving you and
me and all humanity every day…..even on holidays there is work to do!!
Betty Lue