live my values and learn as I go.
honor my own truth and it works for me.
I value is what I see and be and do and have.
live in integrity by always choosing to be Me!
You can not know
what it means to be true, when you have yet to discover who is the REAL You!
Do you know Who
You Are?
Do you understand
Why You Are here?
Have you learned
the purpose of your Life?
When we do not
know ourselves, it is difficult to find our path?
Are you here to
Are you here to
lead the way>
Are you here to
fight for a cause?
Are you here to
enjoy and to play?
Are you here to
create beauty and love?
Are you here to
perform and achieve?
Are you here to
research and understand?
Are you here to
work hard and command?
So many
possibilities and so little time!
Many you could
try them all and get confused or get clear?
Maybe you could
ask others to show you your way?
Maybe you just do
what your are told and see what “they” say?
Do you have
values or even know what they are?
Are you clear
what works in life?
Have you observed
your path and your problems?
Do you think
about what you do and choose the best way for you?
What matters to
Do you want to
make money or make friends?
Do you want to
have peace or problems to work on?
Do you want to do
the best with what you have or have more to do what you want?
Are you willing
to work hard for what you get or do you want it to come easily?
Are you comparing
your life with the rich, the educated, the famous, the wise, the powerful?
Are you aiming
for the getting the most and giving the least?
Do you judge
others and imagine how they got what they have?
There are more
questions than answers for me and for you.
When you find your
own answer, try it out and be true.
The path to waking
up is learning to find your own way.
When you live in the
darkness of ignorance, you have nothing to say.
Find someone to
talk with, to listen to you.
Hear what they have
to say and learn to express your own truth.
Or write in a
journal with your own ideas and concerns.
Respond to yourself
and others with trust, openness and respect.
When we can
think, hear, feel and do, we balance our learning to get what is true.
Love is the answer.
Be brave and love
Betty Lue
based Counseling and Coaching is what I offer.
Teaching and Leading is how I serve.
Living and Learning is what I do.
is safe, fun and easy when I live this way each day.