It is Love I give my world today.
It is Freedom for all in which I trust.
It is Creation I find within my Mind.
It is Divine Union I know within my Soul.
You were
created with Freedom and Trust.
Our nation was
created with Freedom and Trust.
Life ItSelf is
created with Freedom and Trust.
created us as Love for the purpose of Love.
created us Free for the purpose of Being Free and Setting Free.
Trust created
us as Trust for the purpose of Trusting ourselves and others.
Love created
us as Love for the Purpose of Loving ourselves and others.
Life is
simple in its soul purpose of expressing only Love, Trust and Freedom.
will enable you to trust?
Do you need
to know you are provided for?
Are you
secure in your relationships?
Do you
trust yourself and others?
Heal all
past betrayals, rejections and abandonment.
Forgive all
that seems to have caused pain, and suffering, guilt and grief.
Erase the
memories that hold you hostage in remembered hurt and fear.
Undo what you
no longer want to be true for you.
What we
hold in our minds and hearts, we are likely to repeat.
What we erase,
release, delete and forgive and bless dissolves.
When we are
willing and able to clear the duality, we find oneness.
When we live
with no conflict and competing thoughts, we know peace.
Yes, you
can end the wars in your mind and relationships.
You can clears
fears and find heavenly peace within.
You can claim
your own Goodness within only Good in your hearts.
peace everywhere with holding only Peace in your thoughts.
You are a
creator of trust, but choosing always to trust in the Good.
You are a
liberator of Freedom by remembering to undo attachment.
You can clear
the fear through forgiveness here and now.
You can bring
Love to full realization, by trusting always in Love.
is uncovering our eyes and opening our mind.
Freedom is
letting go of everything that is stuck in our memories.
Trust is
realizing all is good when we forgive all we see Bad.
Trusting and
Freeing bring the Return of Always and Only Love.
prevails as we remember that only Love is real.
Love returns
as we remember our Wholeness and Gratitude.
Love is
realized as we free ourselves from fear.
Love is the
answer, the solution and resolution, and our Holy Purpose.
I am
committed to remember Love, no matter what appears to be.
Thank the
Good within us to Lead us Home to Peace!
Betty Lue
¤ I love you
and I know you love me too.
The freedom for you and I to
be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see
The trust that there is a constant flow of love,
matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems,
we believe in and support each other’s right
live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity,
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional
there is love
I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.
Lue 1978