Solstice is the time of the longest days and the greatest Light.
When there
is more light, we may see more of our dark stuff.
When we see
and judge the shadow, we may feel stuck, scared or depressed.
Whenever we
have not forgiven and learned, erased the past with love, we may feel stuck.
Call in
more light.
Call for
more light in your mind.
Call for
more delight in your perceptions.
Call for
more light in your thoughts, words and behavior.
people seem to wallow in the darkness.
Often they
even add to their pain.
They may
become paralyzed or immobilized by what they believe.
These are
times to get moving and do what works for you.
taking time to turn up the awareness and heal what you see.
Take time
to reveal what is troubling or hurting and then address it with compassion.
yourself the opportunity to see what is and let it go with your blessing.
What was,
no longer is, until we reinstate it in our mind and body.
When we
judge, we stop the flow and won’t let go.
When we
fear, we close our minds and contract our bodies.
When we
condemn, we damn our feelings and hold resentment and regret.
When we
despair, we turn down the light and don’t see right or what can be.
find comfort in the dark.
Some seek
seclusion in despair.
Some like
chaos for its distraction.
Some just
wait for the dawn.
are thoughts that get stuck in our mind.
To clear
the fixations, shine a light on the middle of your forehead for a few moments.
facing the sun or a lamp or imagine the light in your mind as you close your
When you
see the Light within, the rest is erased in the light in which you see.
light in your mind.
light shining before you on your path.
light clearing the obstacles of fear and depression.
Light shining forth from your body, your mind and your heart.
When you
begin to see the light within, you will see the light around you.
When you
are willing to see the Light in your, you will see the light in others.
When you
experience the delight in your Light, you will remember your inner Joy.
When you
remember the way to be happy, you will choose happiness above all things.
willing to enlighten your mind
Be willing
to enlighten your life.
Be willing
to share your enlightenment with your world.
You will be
changed in your choice to be enlightened.
Loving your
Betty Lue
Unity Prayer with a little translation for all beliefs!
The Light of Good surrounds me.
The Love of Good enfolds me.
The power of Good directs me.
Wherever I Am, there is
always sufficiency of Goodness for All.