Affirmations: ( Use affirmations to clear the
false beliefs and negative learning. See how to use effectively below.)
I use my time effectively and on purpose.
I take my time to do what inspires me.
I love myself by giving myself quality time.
I spend my time doing only what is good for me.
Time is valuable.
Your time is
important to you.
Give your time where
it matters.
Use you time to make
a positive difference.
You may squander
time on distractions and delaying.
You may spend time
on criticizing and complaining.
You may have habits
of arguing and fighting.
You may waste time
feeling sorry for yourself.
Ask what
difference does any of this make except to feel bad.
What good does it do
to gossip about someone?
What good does it do
to make others feel guilty or afraid?
What good does it do
to worry or complain?
Time is valuable.
Use it wisely.
Think about what you
Can do.
Begin moving in a
positive or productive direction.
Negative use of
time slows or stops the flow of energy.
Negative thoughts
block creative thinking.
Negative words
prevent healing and healthy communication.
Negative behaviors
interfere with choosing a better way to live.
Give yourself
time to consider what you really want.
If you want to dump
negatives ( your toxic waster), dump it in private.
If you want to
create positive experiences, clear the old stuff out of the way.
If you want to be
more efficient and effective, Open the flow and do what you can do.
The quality of
life you have is based on what you do to clear the blocks and pollutants.
The freedom you feel
comes from removing the roadblocks you have placed in your way.
The abundance you
want comes from opening the flow of all good with joyful positive giving.
The Love you seek
comes from using you thoughts, words and behavior to be kind and loving to all.
You may not
realize how you have created your own experience.
When you pay
attention to what you give, you will come to know you also receive in like
Thoughts produce
Words create love or
Behavior shows the
truth we feel.
If it is time
to make changes, do it now.
If it is time
to heal relationships, do it now.
If it is time
to stop unhealthy addictions, do it now.
If it is time
to live your best self, do it now.
There is no time
like the present to give yourself this Gift.
You will be using
your time wisely and well.
You are worth it!
Betty Lue