I am alive and in Love with life.
I live my life by inner guidance.
I trust myself and free myself to be.
I am grateful for the path and purpose in my life.
can you tell if you are in love?
How do
you know, when you are on purpose?
How do
you feel, when your life is blessed?
How can
you tell, when everything is just perfect as it is?
You feel
whole and healthy.
You feel
happy and grateful.
You feel
alive and in Love.
You feel
trusting and free.
Can you
If you can
tell, celebrate and dedicate your life to continuing on.
If you
can’t tell, begin to eliminate and let go.
Undo and
relinquish old negative and limiting habits of mind and behavior.
When you
are free from judging, you will feel happy.
When you
are free of self-criticism and complaints, you will feel good.
When you
are free of pain m self-medication and addiction, you will feel whole.
When you
are on purpose and living your life guided from within, you will alive and in
You can
try to change people and places.
You can try
to make more money and get more things.
You can try
to get a bigger home, better relationship, lots of admiration and plenty of
But if you
are not happy with yourself and living a purposeful life, it will all be a
temporary fix.
happiness is really all about you.
In the end
it matters very little what you know or make or do.
Your inner
peace and happiness matters solely about your relationship with you.
When you
are complete within yourself, you will know true and lasting happiness.
What are
your really looking for?
A pot
of gold at the end of the rainbow?
A place in
heaven when you leave this earth?
love, respect and approval?
some time to look and listen within you.
Find out
what you really want to be and do and have and give.
Get clear
about what keeps you from totally unconditionally loving you.
Choose to
get to work to create a life that works best for you.
I believe
in You!
Betty Lue
When You Love Yourself
When you Love yourself, you will no longer need to “get”
When you Love yourself, you will have abundant Love to
When you Love yourself, you fill forgive your mistakes
When you Love yourself, you will heal all woundedness.
When you Love yourself, you will know your are wonderful.
When you Love yourself, you will trust you are capable.
When you Love yourself, you will not be hurt by others.
When you Love yourself, you will live life with purpose.
When you Love yourself, you will be happy.
When you Love yourself, you will give yourself
affirmation and support.
When you Love yourself, you will respect and honor your
When you Love yourself, you will share freely your gifts,
talents and wisdom.
When you Love yourself, you will receive every gift of
Love with appreciation.
When you Love yourself, you will treat others with
acceptance and kindness.
When you Love yourself, you will protect and provide for
When you Love yourself, you will enjoy life, including
challenges and adventures.
When you Love yourself, you will no longer need others’
When you Love yourself, you will celebrate the gift of
being You.
When you Love yourself, you will spend more time listening
When you Love yourself, you will take impeccable care of
your whole Being.
When you Love yourself, you will treat yourself with
loving thoughts, words and activities.
When you Love yourself, you will naturally love others.
When you Love yourself, you will translate all lack of
Love into the call for Love.
When you Love yourself, you will know how and when
to respond with Love.
When you Love yourself, you will be encouraging,
supporting and creating more Love.
When you Love yourself, you will be forgiving of yourself
and others.
When you Love yourself, you will see beneath the surface
to the gift and blessings.
When you Love yourself, you will know the God and Good
within you.
Are you willing to Love you?
Are you willing to see the Love in You?
Are you willing to respect your inner wisdom?
Are you willing to appreciate your beauty and Goodness?
Are you willing to stop telling yourself hurtful stories?
Are you willing to step away from your own judging mind?
Are you willing to give up making yourself and others
Are you willing to live fully, freely, joyfully and
Are you willing to step away from the poopy stuff and
smell the flowers?
Are you willing to live in beauty, harmony, sweetness and
Are you willing to treat everyone as the honored guest
you are in this world?
Are you willing to employ the only help you really
need….God/Goddess/Goodness at all times?
Are you willing to step out of the victim paradigm and
live as co-creator of your whole life?
Are you willing to surrender your mind chatter, negative
history and limiting beliefs and memories?
Are you willing to live each day in the most joyful,
prayerful and playful way of which you are aware?
Are you willing to be all you are all the time, with no
excuses, comparisons or delay?
We are waiting for you.
Come out and have fun.
Now is the time and you are the One.
Betty Lue