I make wise choices easily and quickly.
I trust my purpose and path.
I choose to live with integrity and love.
I respect and encourage us all to find our authentic Self.
I live in harmony with all beings.
is your intention?
What is
you goal?
What do
you want to be?
What do
you want to do?
has a purpose.
has a use.
has a desire.
All of us
have choice.
When we
are clear why we are here, we can proceed with focus and direction.
When we
know what is ours to do, we can set our course and follow from within.
When we
understand have the freedom, we can make our lives fulfilling or chaos.
When we
believe, we can dare and do, conceive and believe, we can achieve.
problem may be that we allow others to decide what is ours to be, do and have.
difficulty may be the conflict of wanting one direction, but choosing another.
The chaos
may come from trying our everyone’s vision and possibility before coming home
to Self.
The pain
often happens when we are split and fragmented in living every which way
and back.
today, this Spring, this time, to choose 100% you path, your purpose and Will.
and error come from competing ideas and conflicting goals.
You can
change at any junction, but the choice you make today gives you today’s path to
And where
you go, you will know what is right and good for you.
you here to serve or be served?
Are you
here to give or to get?
Are you
here to live in love or live in fear?
Are you
here to heal or to hurt?
you choose to win at all costs or to teach we all can win?
Do you
choose to go it alone or all together?
Do you
choose to give all you can or take what you can?
Do you
help or harm with your words and your deeds?
you choose to be happy or try to be right?
Do you
share what you have or fight to keep for yourself?
Do you
live in harmony or cause upset and chaos?
Do you
believe in Good or focus on the Bad?
When we
are aware that we care, we must share our heartfelt gifts or have regret.
When we
know we are called to give, we must give our best to everyone or feel despair.
When we
selfishly take care of our own needs, with disregard for others, we must
learn to share.
When we
lack focus and choice, freedom and trust, we must listen within and follow what
we know.
are the times when we plant the seeds for our life’s harvest.
We must
begin anew to find what is true, each one at choice and now give our voice to
and freedom in the love I have as we choose again, consciously and wisely.
Betty Lue