I am free to begin again.
I trust in the best in me.
I appreciate my innocence.
Love makes each day new again and again.
We can only renew
our selves, when we are willing to let go of the old.
There is space for
new ideas, when we release our attachment to the past ideas.
When our drawers and
shelves are full of boxed up or loose stuff, the clutter consumes us.
When the mind’s hard
drive is full of dusty and rusty thoughts and feelings, there is no room.
In order to begin
the planting of this year’s garden, we must till under the old outdated used up
There may be some
perennials that we prune to make ready for the new growth.
There may be some
deciduous that need to lay barren until the coming forth of new foliage.
There are some
evergreens that keep growing even in the dark of winter.
When we are
willing to do the work, we know what and where to plow under and plant anew.
When we pay
attention, we know when weather patterns have changed and we plan accordingly.
When we are willing
to do the work, we know exactly how to prepare the soil for the new season.
When we trust our
instincts and attunement, we do what feels right and respectful of Mother
In the same way,
we have work to do for our own inner Spring and time of renewal.
We have saved the
best seeds from last years harvest to plan for and plant again.
We have removed the
debris of the past and have blessed the past with our gratitude.
We have tilled the
fertile foundation of our mind and cultivated only the best ideas and inspiration.
Are you ready for
new beginnings or are you comfortable with the old?
Do you celebrate new
ideas and inspirations or do you feel safe with what is familiar?
Are you ready for
change and transition or do you want to keep things as they have always been?
Are you refreshed by
new challenges and adventures or fearful and resistant of the unknown?
Some prefer the
quiet of winter.
Some are renewed by
the surprises in spring.
Some love the
freedom of summer.
Some enjoy the
comfort of fall.
There is no need
to judge anyone’s preferences, for they are one way of defining ourselves.
Being true to the
part we play in the ever-unfolding adventure of seasons and cycles, is our
Discovering and
fully appreciating our place in the sun is the way we inspire more of the same.
Indeed each one is
encouraging and creating more of what it is we love and value.
Renewal is the
opportunity to begin again.
Renewal is the
spring’s promise of a better life.
Renewal is our way
of remembering hope and faith.
Renewal is the joy
we experience when we see infants, puppies, daffodils and crocuses.
Spring is the
time to regain our life focus.
Spring is the gift
of revitalized energy.
Spring is the choice
to start over.
Spring is the joy of
expressing what is ever new.
Starting over
again everyday with a new mind, a new vision and a new identity.
Love is freedom and trust.
Betty Lue
makes all things new again.