I take impeccable care of my whole self.
I love my whole self by listening for what I need in
I forgive my mistakes and unconsciousness.
I honor my intuition and inner guidance as I learn to follow
what I know.
Do you
take time each day just for you?
Do you have
an idea of what works best for you?
Do you have
the self discipline and motivation to follow through?
Are you
able and willing to perfectly love you?
will be different when you love and respect you.
will be respectful when you are true to you.
Drama will
end when you learn to take care of you first.
resilience, consciousness and ease will come through.
When you
play small, victim, at the effect of others, you diminish your power.
When you
behave with immaturity, self pity, drama or tantrums, you lose respect.
When you
speak with name-calling, hurtful words and attack, you feel guilty and foolish.
When you
hurt ourselves with negative thoughts and resentful ideas, you weaken your self
In life,
you may have learned to play and even believe you are needy, dependent, less
than or weak.
In our
relationships you may use the helpless and hopeless, nice guy image to get
other’s help.
You may be
attached to play the role of co dependent to get the love you want.
It is time
to re-evaluate if the weak, poor-me role is working for you.
Time to
make changes in how you think, speak and behave.
Time to
recognize your inner dreams, preferences and unlimited potential.
You can
change your mind and your life.
You can do
the work, when you make yourself your priority.
with the basics.
Respect and Appreciate Your Whole Self.
You are
more than your body and how you look.
You are the
sum total of thoughts and feeling, words and actions, home and finances, relationships
and work.
You are
more than you can see and more than you know.
You are
your beliefs and inspiration, your hopes and your dreams, your gifts and your
You are all
you create and contribute.
You are
unlimited in power and in peace.
forgiving all your mistakes, past, present and future.
doing forgiveness of everyone and everything, including yourself everyday.
care of body and mind with healthy food and sleep, healthy habits and
remembering to love, trust, respect and appreciate yourself all day, everyday.
This is
just the beginning….but without the foundation there will be emotional drama.
this foundation, there will blind sides and earthquakes.
giving yourself the best, you will forget and feel hurt and upset.
this you may neglect treating yourself and others with respect.
Your Loving
Betty Lue