Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What Do You Know?

I love, learn and respect all differences.
I trust the uniqueness of each life path and process.
I enjoy the diversity in people, places and practices.
I forgive any and all resistance and fear of differences.

Do you know how best to love?
Do you know how to be yourself?
Do you know what to feel?
Do you know how to think?
Do you know how to behave?
Do you know how to get a job?
Do you know how to live on the money you have?
Do you know how to get approval?
Do you know what gifts to give?
Do you know how to use your manners?
Do you know how to be grateful?
Do you know what and whom to believe?
Do you know how to make your life work?
Do you know how your life can be fun, safe and easy?

The first step in learning anything is to be open to learn.
When you think you know it all, you will block true and effective learning.
When you walk away from anyone believing you already know you will limit yourself.
When you pretend you know to cover up your lack of knowing, you will not be open.

I do not know anything fully.
When I am afraid of knowing, I seek to learn.
When I am certain I know, I open to learning.
When I am comfortable  with what I know, I seek out new ideas.

I love diversity.
I enjoy questions.
I prefer to be open-minded.
I want to learn from everyone and everything.

The more I learn, the more I want to know.
The more I want to know, the more awake and aware I AM.
The more aware I Am, the more receptive, appreciative and open-minded I become.
The more I am open to receive and appreciate, the more I am curious and full of wonder.

Those who are learning are growing and expanding in consciousness.
Those who are expanding their consciousness are flexible, resilient and allowing.
Those who are flexible, resilient and allowing are more innocent, trusting and free.
Those who are innocent, trusting and free are happy, grateful and enjoying life.

What can I learn from you?
What can I learn about life?
How do you see life?
How can I see things differently?

I know longer need to be right.
I no longer need to prove anything to anyone.
I no longer need to explain, justify or convince.
Therefore, I need not fight or argue to be right.

I am willing to listen, learn and see things from your viewpoint.
Loving you and me as we open to learn from life.
Betty Lue

Those Who Know
To “know” is to “love”.
For when we fully know, we have an experience of acceptance, understanding, trust and love.
In working with this list of levels of consciousness, we can easily substitute “love” for “know”.
Perhaps,  this will simplify and clarify where you are in your own unfoldment process.

·     Those who don’t know and don’t know they don’t know.
·     Those who don’t know and don’t care.
·     Those who don’t know and don’t want to know.
·     Those who don’t know and wish they did.
·     Those who don’t know and seek to know.
·     Those who are coming to know.
·     Those who know and are afraid of what they know.
·     Those who know and are afraid they don’t.
·     Those who know and hold back what they know.
·     Those who know and share what they know in order to know.
·     Those who know and know they know quietly.
·     Those who are what they know.

or with change of words:

·     Those who don’t love and don’t know they don’t love.
·     Those who don’t love and don’t care.
·     Those who don’t love and don’t want to love.
·     Those who don’t love and wish they did.
·     Those who don’t love and seek to love.
·     Those who are coming to Love.
·     Those who Love and are afraid of Love.
·     Those who Love and are afraid they don’t.
·     Those who Love and hold back their Love.
·     Those who Love and share Love to realize their Love.
·     Those who Love and share Love quietly.
·     Those who are Love.