I am willing to breathe fully and freely.
I easily take gratitude breaks, just to enjoy my life.
I forgive myself for working too hard.
I sit down and quiet my mind, simply to be still and know.
Just for a moment, slow down and breathe.
For a moment, stop and enjoy where you are.
Take a little time to see the beauty around you.
Be willing to express gratitude for everyone you encounter.
Slow down and be quiet.
Slow down and see the Light.
Slow down and give your Love.
Slow down and feel the Blessings.
These are the Holy Days.
It is Festival of Lights, Kwanza, Solstice Christmas.
It is time for families to gather to forgive the past.
It is time for families to gather to remember the Good times.
These are the healing days.
It is time to close the year with forgiveness and gratitude.
It is time to stop judging and learn the lessons.
It is time to observe the journey and receive the blessings.
What does it take to meditate?
How can you begin to contemplate.?
Where can you be still and reflect on the Light?
What will you do to learn how to be happy and thankful?
“So much to do and so little time!” ??
It takes no extra time to give thanks before you eat and sleep.
It takes no extra time to appreciate the beauty of nature as you drive and walk.
It takes no extra time to say thanks to those who serve you at stores and on the phone.
Slow down and do everything you do with gratitude for you and the doing.
You will discover with focus, appreciation, open-mindedness, you can do more with less stress.
You will learn it takes nothing away and gives your peace and joy.
You will feel blessed by everything you do with your blessings.
Life works for us, when we are working for the Good of all.
The Holy healing days are a blessing when we remember to bless.
Each encounter is a healing and holy encounter when we remember to forgive and be grateful.
We can give ourselves the space to remember Love with every breath we take.
No more excuses.
No more complaints.
No more judgments.
Take time to stop and appreciate you and all you have in your life.
You are good.
You are Love.
You are the giver and the receive.
Be the light you are and watch your world transform with your Love and Light.
Loving you in remembering to be true to Who You Really Are.
Betty Lue