Affirmations for you: (Write and say everyday for 20 times for 14 days until complete)
I am willing to be totally responsible for my thoughts, words and behavior.
I am willing to undo everything that is not wholly true and loving of me and others.
I am willing to do the work it takes to free myself from learned limitations and beliefs.
I am willing to step up and live the life I have with gratitude and joy, kindness and respect.
Are you willing to love yourself?
Are you willing to be happy?
Are you willing to be true to you?
Are you willing to be responsible for your life?
When we are willing to be responsible, we can change our lives.
When we are willing to be responsible, we free ourselves from limitation.
When we are willing to be responsible, we stop complaining and blaming.
When we are willing to be responsible, we enjoy doing only what is right and true.
When we are willing to be true to ourselves, we stop deceiving ourselves with false promises.
When we are willing to be true to ourselves, we dare to live what is best for us.
When we are willing to be true to ourselves, we live in integrity with our values.
When we are willing to be true to ourselves, we think, speak and behave authentically.
When we are willing to be happy, we listen inside for what inspires us and lifts our spirits.
When we are willing to be happy, we find joy in giving happiness to others.
When we are willing to be happy, we stop fighting to be right.
When we are willing to be happy, we reveal all the Joy we feel in giving and living our best.
When we are willing to love ourselves, we appreciate ourselves daily for doing our best.
When we are willing to love ourselves, we continuously forgive and delete what is negative.
When we are willing to love ourselves, we only give ourselves with what highest and best for us.
When we are willing to love ourselves, we let go of negative habits and enjoy the life we have.
What does it take to be happy and true, always loving you?
What can you do to stop the pain and suffering, complaining and blaming, denying and distracting?
Are you ready to make the changes you know you need to have the life your really want?
Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone and step up into a life of freedom and choice?
This is all an inside job.
It requires the cessation of thinking and speaking and behaving in negative hurtful ways.
It requires that you be kind to all, forgiving what they may have done or said to you.
It requires realizing everything you think and say ad do to others is done unto you.
What you do to another, you have also done to yourself.
What you think about others, you hold against or for yourself.
What you give to another, you receive for yourself.
Whether you are consciously aware, every thought, word and action is teaching others how to treat you.
Are you willing to clean up your act?
Are you willing to give only what you want to receive?
Are you willing to stop lying to yourself and pretending?
Are you willing to say and do only what is Good for you and everyone?
I Am willing.
I am willing to love myself everyday in everyway.
I am willing to be happy and grateful for everything.
I am willing to be responsible for the whole of my life.
Loving you for your willingness and freedom of choice,
Betty Lue