I know and believe I can do whatever is make up my mind to do.
I am willing to persist with my dreams until I achieve.
I easily clear all blocks and fears of limitation, lack and littleness.
I think I can; therefore, I can.
These are the same Keys to Success in Healing Our Minds
Life is a healing mission.
When we actually know what we want and see it clearly, we will begin to believe.
When we fully believe in what we want, we will do whatever it takes to achieve.
Therein lies success.
All healing comes from the mind.
The mind guides our energy (emotions).
The mind guides our activities.
The minds guides our creativity.
The minds guides our beliefs.
The mind guides us to clear the blocks to the awareness of our unlimited selves.
When we can see inside what we want to be outside, we begin the journey to succeed.
When we begin the journey to success we must fully believe by clearing all doubt.
When we are 100% certain and confident of what we want, we cannot fail.
When we are totally committed all the time, we do not stop until we succeed.
Success in everything requires:
Vision = We must see and imagine what we want to experience.
Faith = We must believe in what we want to experience.
Passion = We must feel what we want to experience.
Commitment = We must make an agreement with ourselves that we will persist.
Strategy = We must allow our creative, fearless, open and willing mind to find a way.
Action = We must do whatever we can do to achieve the vision we hold for ourselves.
Gratitude = We must fully appreciate every step along the way with increasing energy.
As I watch people complain and blame, I see wasted energy.
As I see people excuse and justify their choices for unhappiness, I understand failure.
As I consider what does not and will not work in our world, I learn what will work.
We must love, trust, respect, believe in and appreciate our dreams to succeed.
No one will have what they really want, until they master the art of success.
It is time to undo all that stands in our way.
We must realize we unlimited in our creating.
We must believe in ourselves and choose always and only the Highest Good we know!
It is your time to be successful in everything you are and do.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Betty Lue
A Journey To Success
(From the work of Joyce Middlebrook)
I Success requires first recognizing the real source of our problems
The source of our problems lies within our own beliefs, thoughts, feelings & behavior.
The solution to our problems lies within our own thoughts, feelings and behavior.
II Success means letting go of things that don’t work
• Letting go of the Fairy Tale
• Letting go of Being Right
• Letting go of Controlling Others
• Letting go of Opinions
• Letting go of Parents
• Letting go of Negative People
• Letting go of The Critic
• Letting go of Media Negatives
• Letting go of Worry
• Letting go of Soap Operas and Other Fiction
• Letting go of Guilt
III Be the adventurer. Strategies for Success.
• Experiment.
• Seek and ye shall find.
• Use the senses in new ways.
• Learn to use your own negative feelings as a path toward fuller consciousness and freedom.
• Concentrate on living in the present.