I always have plenty of energy to do what I love.
There is always enough of everything I need to live my life with joy and gratitude.
Life works for me and with me, because I enjoy and appreciate life.
I spend everyday in celebration and appreciation of all that I have and do and give.
I love my life and it loves me.
I am happy because I am grateful.
I am grateful because I am happy.
I am happy I am loving.
I am loving because I am happy.
I am peaceful because I am happy, grateful and loving.
The Good Life does not depend on what you have.
The Good Life depends on what you make with what you have.
The Good Life depends on being happy, grateful and loving.
We can choose to be grateful, happy and loving and have a Good Life.
Sharing the life I choose for myself: (Only read if you want to know!)
Up by 5:30-6AM (without and alarm.)
Bed made, inspiration written and read, health smoothie made from fresh organic fruits and veggies.
Fresh air, sunshine, garden harvesting, walk for gratitude, Loving Reminders written and sent,
50-150 emails responded to daily.
Laundry done with appreciation 2-3 times weekly.
Healthy vegetarian meals daily. (Lots of organic and raw fruits and veggies.)
Bed always made and bedroom beautiful and peaceful.
20-30 minute renewal nap daily.
Loving Reminders written and sent daily.
Phone calls, correspondence completed within 24 hrs. (usually within an hour or two of receiving).
All monies received and ledgered with respect and gratitude.
Robert pays all bills on time or early, so no debt. ( We live on what we have.)
Good stewardship of all goods and monies received.
Homes clean, beautiful and well maintained. (city apt and Lake House home)
Weekly emails and monthly newsletters for Unity Center and Positive Living Center.
20-30 clients/weekly phone/office/skype for counseling/coaching, plus 9 classes/workshops monthly.
Unity Services with talks, meditation and music on every Sunday.
3 weeks for Grandparent’s camp during the summer and almost monthly weekends with grandchildren.
Group retreats at Lake House and Hermitage + Hawaii 6+ times annually.
Organic vegetable garden with beautiful yard and labyrinth in back of retreat house “Hermitage”.
Plenty of critters, birds, butterflies, deer, raccoons, and wildlife to enjoy all around the lake.
Admin for all three centers with no employees. everyone sharing in the maintenance, services and PR
Spend last two hours of day with Robert relaxing, reading and/or being inspired/amused.
In bed by 10 or 11PM.
So what do I do that is at the heart of a Good life?
No resistance to what is.
Stay present and focused with each activity.
I allow and enjoy creative solutions.
I trust God and Good in all things.
I live what I teach with no complaints or stories to tell.
I speak only about what matters, because it inspires, teaches or reminds.
I spend time with kids and adults learning what matters to them and facilitating through love.
I encourage everyone, beginning with me, to be consistently peaceful and happy
I use my time, energy and resources consciously for my purpose in being.
My work is to do what has heart and meaning.
My relationships are to be truly helpful.
My money is used to serve the Highest Good as I am guided.
It doesn’t matter what you have as much as how you perceive, believe and utilize what you have.
I have had money and no money.
I have had a home and no home.
I have had a partner and no partner.
How I live my life is totally free for me to choose.
I choose a life that is happy, grateful and loving.
Betty Lue
This is my life and I do it with joy and love!
Do It Anyway
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy it all overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.