Does it fit you?
Does it resonate with you?
Does it work for you?
Does it support you in being your Real Self?
Are you choosing to do what others advise?
Are you trying to walk someone else’s path?
Are you looking for what is the best?
Are you wanting to avoid pain and pitfalls?
You may be distracted by other’s beliefs.
You may see other’s opinions.
You may envy what others do.
You may not know how to choose for you.
You may get caught in wanting more.
You may believe there is always something, someone or somewhere better.
You may seek but never find what you want.
You may be looking for the wrong thing.
The world offers unlimited options.
You are an unlimited being.
So how do you narrow it down?
Or make do with what you have?
Life can seem confusing for sure.
Conflicts can captivate our attention.
Fearing mistakes can render us immobile.
And pleasing everyone is impossible.
We have experts galore.
We have books and internet info to consider.
We have comfort and ideal in conflict.
We have as much time as we want to choose.
Choose quickly and have more time to enjoy.
Choose slowly and have more time to question.
Choose with pressure and never really choose.
Choose, forgive, release and choose again to learn.
What is your desired outcome?
What is your intention?
What do you want to learn?
What are you willing to give?
For what holy and healing purpose are you choosing?
What principles and guidelines are you using to choose?
Supporting you in making your own choices.
Choosing is a right and privilege.
Betty Lue
Possible keys relevant to your worldly and spiritual (inspirational) choices:
It is Your Choice!
EGO (Human Personality)....................................... SPIRIT (Inner Spiritual Essence)
Separate from God..................................................... In communion with God
Everyone for himself ................................................ We’re in this together
Guilt .......................................................................... Guiltlessness
Crucifixion................................................................. Resurrection
Penalties & punishment ............................................ Salvation
Pain............................................................................ Joy
Complexity................................................................ Simplicity
Fear............................................................................ Love
Bound ....................................................................... Free
Unhappy................................................................... Happy
Rejects atonement...................................................... Accepts At-One-ment
Conflict...................................................................... Peace
Vulnerability.............................................................. Invulnerability
Harm ......................................................................... Harmlessness
Makes own decisions for self ................................... Decides with God for Highest Good
Defensiveness............................................................ Defenselessness
Suspicion................................................................... Trust
Control ...................................................................... Allowance
Blame......................................................................... Responsibility
Victim........................................................................ Sovereign
Judgment.................................................................... Forgiveness
Broken....................................................................... Whole
Sinner......................................................................... Sinless
Worldly ..................................................................... Spiritual
Believes world can offer what is wanted .................. Knows only Spirit offers what is needed
Led by fear................................................................. Led by Joy
Painful learning.......................................................... Happy learning
At effect..................................................................... At choice
Believes in a punishing God...................................... Believes in a loving God
Strives to be right....................................................... Chooses to be happy
What we see is True.................................................. Beliefs create perception
Body and emotions lead............................................ Follow the Inner Call
Our function follows form......................................... Form follows function
Always translate freely those words which are not a part of your belief system.