When you love, you respect differences.
When you love, you do not have to become life partners.
When you love, you may choose to disagree.
When you love, you do not quit loving because you have differences.
There are cultural differences.
There are male and female differences.
There are differences in expectations.
There are differences in life choices and living styles.
When we make a choice to marry, or employ someone or have a roommate, we must adapt to differences.
When we commit to partner, there need to be clear agreements about what is expected.
When both parties agree (often best in writing), it is essential that changes in agreements be expressed.
When we grow, we change our ideas and ideals and therefore our changes must be acknowledged.
When we judge the love of another based on whether they agree with us, we are mistaken.
When we quit on loving someone because they are making new choices, we hurt ourselves.
When we stop trusting , based on them choosing to respect their own needs first, we are in error.
When we feel hurt or humiliated because people change their minds, we are limiting ourselves.
Love is respecting all differences which come from knowing and trusting the person.
Love is not trying to change the other, but coming to acceptance and understanding.
Friendship is developing a respect and trust and acceptance of others.
Companionship is choosing to keep company with those who enjoy similar experiences.
When we are clear about who we are and what we want, we can wisely choose what we prefer.
When we are unclear about who We are and what we want, we learn from a variety of experiences.
When we know what we want, we can maintain our friendships without making others wrong.
When we celebrate our own growth, we can accept others healing and growing with respect and grace.
Sometimes relationships “outgrow” each other and lose interest and desire for maintaining the connection.
Sometimes friendships “outgrow” each other because they move on to other interests and relationships.
Sometimes companions “outgrow” each others’ Company because they develop differing interests.
Sometimes partners” Outgrow” their partnership because they have satisfied their individual needs.
There is no guarantee for longevity in a relationship.
There is no requirement to maintain a relationship.
There is no commitment that cannot be changed.
There is only the freedom we give to those we love to honor themselves.
When we love, we must learn to trust ourselves in Love.
When we love, we must learn to free one another in that Love.
When we love, we can choose to continue loving no matter what others choose.
When we love, we can give ourselves the gift of freedom and trust in our own choices as well.
Love never quits, even though it may change in form.
The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.
Betty Lue
Healthy Relationships—
Healthy= what works for both parties
Relationship= where we see something other than ourselves
Keys to Successful Relationships
Vision—Sharing a common goal. This implies having the same picture and working together, supporting one another in the fulfillment of that vision. When the goals are completed, new goals must be set.
Recommendation: Set the Highest possible goal for your relationship with life.
Honesty—Be willing to be self-disclosive and honest about your current viewpoint.
No need to gossip, rehash the past or compare with others.
Be present moment in acknowledging your own lack of peace and responsibility for your own happiness.
rase with love=Forgiveness.
True honesty is LOVE.
Equality—All are equal, no one better or worse, no one right or wrong.
Each one is a teacher for everyone.
Open to giving and receiving the natural gifts being given.
Acknowledge your thoughts, words and behavior are teaching all.
Give your very best all the time.
Teach what you want to learn.
Commitment—Be genuinely committed to living your Highest Truth.
Live by your spiritual principles.
Be true to your word.
Keep your agreements and promises to yourself and to others.
Support everyone in what is for the Highest Good of All.
Be unselfish in your commitments.
Response-ability—Our perception, our judgment and subsequent emotions are totally our responsibility.
To be in successful relationship we must take impeccable care of our own happiness by maintaining a state of constant forgiveness, letting go of our preferences and seeing what is with Love.
In relationships we learn to heal our attachments and free ourselves from the judging mind which traps us in the roller coaster of emotional highs and lows. In relationship we learn that trust, patience, tolerance, gentleness, honesty, generosity, open-mindedness, defenselessness, joy, faithfulness give us everything we want.
Practice with everyone and everything.
Life is our learning lab.
Use life with kindness and gratitude.
Viewpoints from Mind-Mapping for Marketing.
In relationship our work is to let go of our likes and dislikes. See what is and trust in the process. Love is being aware and at peace with what appears to be. Hold nothing in judgment. Let go and Love.
Amoral.......... I don’t care about anything. ............................................................. infancy
Ego................. Its all about me. I am needy.............................................................. toddler
Pleaser.......... Whatever I can do to please you. How can I make you happy? ..... latency
Authority...... Don’t tell me. I know and I am right................................................ adolescent
Responsible.. I am willing to do my part. Fair. Care. Share.................................... adulthood
Principled..... I live in integrity with my values. Authentic and on purpose.......... maturity
Universal...... Whatever serves the Good of All. We are One................................. enlightened