Blue Moon at 8:47PM PDT (August has two full moons)
The best outcome comes from giving your best.
Your best comes from taking impeccable care of the whole of you….Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, financially, environmentally and All of you…
When you are at your best, you respond to everything with Love and Peace.
When you respond with Love and Peace, you are happy and grateful.
Whether resolving issues with kids, spouse or family member, your best self is most capable.
When making important decisions, you are most able when you are most peaceful.
When healing your body, you heal most easily and quickly when you are in love and at peace.
When giving to others, you are most aware, willing and able when you have given you the best.
Peace begins with a peace-filled mind.
Happiness is a choice we make.
Being in Love begins with loving ourselves.
When we are dependent on someone or something else, we will often be disappointed.
When we wait for others to change, we are foolish in denying ourselves.
When we need to fix others, we may be interfering with their process.
When we believe we can make things happen, our choices and changes can encourage others.
When we are dependent on others, we may feel weak, disempowered and victims of our world.
Time to grow up and take care of ourselves.
Time to become mature and take full responsibility of our own health, happiness and inner peace.
Time to be the change we want to see in our world and lead the way for those around us.
Time to do what we can do and be pleased with and for ourselves.
It is possible that everyone is doing the best they know.
It is probable that everyone has a learning process and a path to follow to heal and learn.
It is likely that you need to mind your own business and be impeccable with and for you.
It is helpful to listen to your own guidance, advice and stories to learn as you teach and help others.
When I am needy and fearful, I see neediness and fear in others.
When I feel capable, I foster the capability in others.
When I know what I want, I encourage others to discover what they want.
When I am at my best, I recognize others at their best as well.
What I see in others, is what I see in me.
What I want for others, is what I want for me.
When we focus good on and for ourselves, all good follows.
Practice these four affirmations, written and spoken, until you are clear they are true for you.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more I love, trust and respect others.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect me.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect themselves.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect others.
This works, but you need to do it to know it is true!
I love, trust and respect you, because I love, trust and respect myself.
Betty Lue