Thursday, July 26, 2012

You Can Choose

Depressed or Lethargic?
Anxious or Restless?
Comfortable and Lazy?
Energized and Enthusiastic?

What is your comfort zone?
How do you function best?
What do you do to keep yourself where you are?
How do you change when you want something else?

You are not a victim of your past!
You are not a victim of your circumstances!
You are not a victim of your finances, education, history, or personal drama!
You are free to choose to change anything you want right now!

Pain is a wakeup call to change something.
Suffering is a choice to change nothing and linger in pain.
Life offers mental, emotional, relational and financial wake up calls.
You can choose to wake up and choose to change or stay stuck in your same thoughts and actions.

Keep telling the same story and it will not change.
Stop telling the same story and you see you can change the lesson and the ending.
Keep living the way you have always lived and you will yield the same life as always.
Start living in the way you desire and your will see you life change to fit your desires.

Free yourself from old drama, by imagining the life you really want.
If you continue to enjoy the drama and the attention it gets, you will just create a new drama.
If you prefer a no-drama, peaceful, happy, fulfilling life, live a happy, peaceful and fulfilling life.
People often keep doing what they have always done and expect a different result.  (Foolish!)

There are many simple natural tools anyone can use to clear the fear and stuckness.
Remember depression is stuck energy, angry and frustrated thoughts held inside.
Anxiety is stuck energy, fearful and hurtful thoughts  held within.
To get the energy moving, we need to be willing to get unstuck, get the energy moving.

Affirmations: (Written and spoken at least 20 times daily)
I forgive myself for limiting myself.
Letting go is fun, safe and easy.
I am willing to let go now.

Lie down and breathe deeply and slowly into your belly until you relax.
Breathe fully and freely through your nose.
Breathe rhymically. (Coherent breathing) ask me for a CD to play and breathe with.

Spend at least an hour a day in the sunlight.
Shine a light on your forehead (third eye) to clear fixations, (ideas and opinions)
Imagine filling your mind with light.

Get moving by spending a minimum of one hour daily moving. (Cleaning, exercising, T’ai Chi or Yoga.
Do something productive each day that you can see the results. (Clean a closet, move furniture, cook.)
Spend no more that a total of 10 hours/bed each day, including naps. Sit no more that one hour at a time.
Recognize that you want to tell your mind and body to be whole and happy and free everyday.

You may notice that your mind resists with lots of excuses.  Do it anyway.
You may notice that you are fighting against clearing the fear and depression. Do it anyway.
You may wish someone or something would magically make your life better.  Do it anyway.
You may believe that nothing will change.  Do it anyway.

These ideas are designed to change your thoughts, move your spirit (breath), open your mind and get you going in a positive direction.  
Just do it.

Send me your questions, responses, feedback and write down the positive changes you see and feel daily.
When you keep track of the changes in you and your life, they will increase and you will be better!

Loving you, by encouraging you to get free from your own stinking thinking.
Betty Lue

What do I really want in my life?
(Make a list of at least 20 wants. Freely write down everything that comes to mind, with no censoring or limits.)

What does your heart want for you?
What is your simplest wish for yourself?
What do you really want to have?
What do you really want to be?
What do you really want to do?

What do I love to do?
What makes me the happiest?
What is my secret ambition?
What has given me the most satisfaction in the past?
What excites me about life?
1      _________________________________________
2      _________________________________________
3      _________________________________________
4      _________________________________________
5      _________________________________________

What am I good at?
What have others told me I was good at?
In what areas of life have I excelled?
What are some of my strengths?
1      _________________________________________
2      _________________________________________
3      _________________________________________
4      _________________________________________
5      _________________________________________

What is important to me?
What would I be willing to sacrifice for?
What do I stand for?
What would I commit myself for regardless of the obstacles?
1      _________________________________________
2      _________________________________________
3      _________________________________________
4      _________________________________________
5      _________________________________________

What was I born to do?
Where in life can I make a difference?
What unique opportunities have been placed in my path?
What specifically does God want me to do?
1      _________________________________________
2      _________________________________________
3      _________________________________________
4      _________________________________________
5      _________________________________________

Based on the answers above, develop a short paragraph outlining your purpose. Take the three top priorities from the four areas to which you just committed answers. Construct a statement that explains what you are beginning to sense in your purpose. This can be a work in progress. What is important is to commit to something in writing. Your purpose can be anything you want it to be and it can include anything that is important to you.

My Purpose Statement: