When we have more light, we see more clearly.
When we receive more light, we know more nearly.
When we give more light, we love more dearly.
Invite more Light and you will recognize what is true and what is made up.
Every upset is a past similar.
Every upset is triggered by some ancient unhealed memory.
Every upset is revealing a wound left unattended and misunderstood.
When we do not see what is real, we cannot heal what is false.
Every fear, concern, worry, hurt, judgment, resentment, guilt has a cause in our minds.
We make up the reasons for it all, when there really is no cause other than our choice.
To perceive is to conceive and believe and receive what we have chosen unconsciously.
We see what we believe and want to see.
To expose our mis-creations and misperceptions and misinterpretations is not what the ego wants.
We must acknowledge the resistance and do it anyway to clear the emotional/physical upset.
Our lives are projections of the unfinished business of history and humanity, yours, mine and ours.
We have the freedom and responsibility to clear it all with our willingness and spiritual work.
What we believe, we will see.
What we conceive and believe, we will achieve.
What we imagine, think and speak is being created.
What we forgive, erase, release and undo we clear and complete.
Awareness with non-judgment is healing.
First, Reveal what you want to heal.
Observe your emotional reactivity and you will see what you have imagined to be.
Observe with neutrality and you will see what you want to be.
Here is a process that works beautifully to see what needs our attention!
Write a page or more of:
The real reason I am upset (concerned, fearful, confused, hurting, etc) is:
Continue writing responses until you are empty inside, until there are not more.
Read them slowly back to yourself, crossing off whatever you know is not true.
Whatever responses are left are calling for clearing, healing, forgiving and undoing.
Look for common beliefs that infuse them all.
Ie. I am not enough. Life is hard. I am not capable or loveable.
Rewrite the script with a new affirmation of the Highest Truth.
I am overflowing with Goodness.
Life is fun, safe and Easy.
I am loveable and capable.
Write the new affirmation 20 times daily for 14 days or more, until there are no opposing thoughts.
If you have trouble finding the resisting belief or writing affirmations, email me and I will help.
You know you are clear when you no longer, judge, resent, blame, fear or get upset.
You know when you have healed the obstacle to peace, because you are at peace.
You know when you can easily take responsibility, forgive yourself and choose again.
This is the beginning of the end of emotional reactivity and the beginning of loving response ability.
Life is good and all is well.
Loving you,
Betty Lue