Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Still Learning and Growing

Life is a learning laboratory.
Every relationship is a lesson in love.
Every “failure” or “mistake” is a lesson in seeing things differently.
Every judgment and condemnation, all blame and guilt, are lessons in forgiveness.

Life is filled with experiences.
We have volunteered to come into this world to learn, to experience, to grow, to awaken.
We have chosen to be here to see and realize, to name and claim, to imagine and create.
We have come into this grand classroom to explore and experiment, to observe and realize.

We are here to be truly helpful to ourselves and others.
We are here to realize fully the One we are.
We are here to understand we are responsible for what we create.
We are here to live abundantly, as the creative beings we truly are.

When we are growing in joy and gratitude, we are confident and trusting.
When we are learning to be cautious and fearful, we diminish our trust and belief in ourselves.
Life offers the opportunity to choose the garden we grow and the qualities we harvest.
We have a choice everyday in what we seek to be our lessons to learn and how we grow.

You are choosing your teachers and the teachings.
You are choosing the lessons you prefer and the grades you give yourself.
You are choosing how you approach life each and every day.
You are choosing the attitude with which the student (you) approaches the learning.

Opportunities and choices are bountiful.
Listen to your ego or to your spirit.
Learn for the happy teacher or the angry one.
Be willing to study and observe or react spontaneously.
Have an attitude of gratitude and respect or one of condemnation and disdain.

What do you choose to be the way you approach life?
Are you defensive and always believing others are judging you?
Are you forgetful or careless about how you speak and treat others?
Do you make everything about you and what you want and need?
Are you constantly leaning over to please others even providing what is not good for them?
Do you follow blindly teachings that are faulty or prejudiced or exclusive to the chosen?
Are you discerning the teachers who live their truths from those who give lip service?
Do you judge others learning ability and neglect your own?
Are you busy minding others’ business, without being invited to participate?

When we appreciate our learning and growth process and path, we trust others.
When we give up the need to meddle, interfere and control others, we free others.
When we tend our own life with care and consideration the best we know, we believe in others.
When we are happy with our own choices, forgiving our mistakes and judgments, we are at peace.

Learn to let go and live with trust and freedom for all the unique ways everyone grows.
Betty Lue

¤      I love you      ¤
and I know you love me too.
The freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.

The trust that there is a constant flow of love, 
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems, 
we believe in and support each other’s right 
to live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity, 
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love

I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.

Betty Lue 1978