Do you remember to Love?
Are you willing to be kind no matter what?
Do you remember to Let Go?
Are you willing to release what no longer serves you?
Do you remember to be grateful?
Are you willing to say please and thank you, to those around you?
Do you remember to be respectful to your elders, to your children and everyone?
Are you willing to treat others as you ideally want to be treated?
Do you remember to live your highest principles?
Are you willing to say No, to turn away from associations and activities that are not “true for you?
Do you remember to take impeccable care of you, spiritually, mentally and physically?
Are you willing to love you well with your inspiring thoughts, affirming words and honorable activities?
Do you remember to give your life always and only to what is Good for All?
Are you conscious of choosing for what is highest and best for others as well as yourself?
Do you remember to contribute to the Source of your Good?
Are you willing to give to what inspires and contributes to your best life?
Do you remember to treat the environment with conscientious respect?
Are you willing to clean up trash, to give away excess, to have less and use all you have well?
Do you remember every child is precious and must be taught with kindness and respect?
Are you willing to think, speak and behave in exemplary ways, knowing you are teaching?
Do you remember to heal the past with your forgiveness and your blessing?
Are you willing to do your part in healing every misunderstanding and harsh words?
Do you remember that your Presence is enough to being Love into your world?
Are you willing to give your loving kindness and respect wherever there is lack?
Do you remember to all who serve silently and often invisibly?
Are you willing to thank those who do the “thankless” and necessary services?
Do you remember to take the time to fully appreciate all that is done for you?
Are you willing to notice when you receive a gift or service or complement with your blessing?
Do you remember to appreciate the obvious blessings of living in this country?
Are you willing to say prayers of gratitude, to choose consciously to vote, to write respectful letters?
Do you remember to forgive your anger, insensitivity and blame, and take action for Good?
Are you willing to affirm our freedom and safety, our education and health care?
Do you remember to do what is needed to make positive changes rather than complain?
Are you willing to take affirmative and peaceful action, clearly living what you believe everyday?
Do you remember to always give to what is needed with your prayer, words and activities?
Are you willing to stop condemning, criticizing, and ignoring and do what makes a difference?
Today is a day to give thanks for those who serve us…..our ancestors, parents, government servants, leaders, service men and women, housekeepers, garbage collectors, street cleaners, health care workers, teachers, homeless folks, politicians, elderly and disabled, youth and survivalists,….everyone is a teacher to us.
Everyone is on their own journey to awakening to actualize their full potential.
Everyone deserves to see and feel and know they are respected and not rejected.
Let us remember everyone today, but especially those who are closest to us.
Be thankful. Be listening. Be giving. Be authentic.
Loving us all, every one.
Betty Lue
You are my spiritual partners as we conspire to co-create a better world.
My heart smiles and my spirit rejoices.
Your gifts of love and appreciation inspire me and feed my soul.
Celebrate the gifts we share and grow in abundance and beauty.
Offering all I am given in Love, supports, strengthens and affirms this Love.
I love you, as you live the life you consciously desire.
I am supported and sustained by your kindness and generosity.
May you honor your Holy Self as you walk in Goodness, Beauty and Love.
Loving You,
Betty Lue