The past is not here.
Let it go.
When we release what was, we can see what really is.
Yes, memories only have value when they benefit you.
Life is meant to bless us and teach us to receive the blessings.
Life is never be used to curse, criticize and condemn.
Life is an invitation to be Good, do Good and see Good.
When we let go of the cranky habits of personality, we realize the Good in All that Is.
The faster we let go of negative thoughts, feeling, judgments and behavior, the quicker we see the good.
The Light comes when we allow forgiveness and release to blow away all the darkness.
Yes, the positive thinkers prefer to be happy and seek only and always for the Good.
And so it is the positive ones receive the Good and put the rest in the garbage where it bellows.
Ingest the best and forget the rest.
Take in the Good and forgive what is not Good for you.
“I now hear see and know All God and only God.”
“I now receive all Good and only Good.”
“I now easily discern what blesses and encourages me and easily release what is not Good for me.”
All criticism is about the critic.
All yucky stuff belongs flushed down the cosmic toilet.
All condemnation is to be released quickly and easily with forgiveness.
All that is not healthy for the receive is not healthy for the giver, so simply let it go.
Take nothing personally.
Receive blessings and return them to the blesser, knowing they benefit everyone.
It is ours to discern what uplifts, inspires, encourages and facilitate Good in us and all.
It is our holy healing work to stop the insanity by responding only to the sanity in others.
We are able to change the world by changing ourselves.
Respond with love, acceptance, understanding, kindness to those who are hurting, afraid, and resentful.
Listen always with respect and love because you know they are calling for Love.
When we are vulnerable, fearful, reactive and argumentative in our responses, we feel hurt and conflicted.
Those who are critical of themselves tend to be judgmental, critical and disrespectful to others.
We can change our minds by forgiving our judgments of ourselves and others.
We can learn to love ourselves by letting go of negative and critical thinking.
We can choose to love, trust and respect ourselves in order to teach others by our example.
Affirmations to write and say (20 times daily for 2 weeks or more):
I love trust and respect myself.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more I love, trust and respect others.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect me.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, Trust and respect themselves.
And do it is we learn to give what we want to receive consistently without end.
When we learn to wholly, unconditionally love any one, we are loving every One.
And so it is, in totally loving ourselves, we give the give of Love to all.
Loving you and me and all with each one I choose to Love,
Betty Lue
The 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing
1. The essence of our being is love.
2. Health is inner peace, healing is letting go of fear.
3. Giving and receiving are the same.
4. We can let go of the past and of the future.
5. Now is the only time there is, and each instant is for giving.
6. We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than by judging.
7. We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
8. We can choose to be peaceful inside, regardless of what is happening outside.
9. We are students and teachers to each other.
10. We can focus on the whole of life, rather than the fragments.
11. Since love is eternal, change need not be viewed as fearful.
12. We can always perceive others as either extending love or giving a call for help.
Attitudinal Healing affirms that we are responsible for our thoughts and whatever feelings we experience.
Attitudinal Healing encourages us to re-examine our relationships, bringing them into the present by releasing past judgments and grievances.
Attitudinal Healing reminds us that perception is a mirror of what is in our mind.