Thursday, March 08, 2012


Full Moon today and Time Change on Sunday AM (Spring forward!)

M= Motivated
O= Open
V= Vivacious
I= Inspired
N= Novelty
G= Good, All Good

How are you moving?
Are you moved to make changes?
Are you motivated and open for change for your Good?
Are you inspired by new people, places and opportunities?
Are you aware that all things work together for Good, your Good?

Yes, change may seem to create a sense of chaos, letting go and loss.
Out of our willingness to let go, we can choose again at what we really want.
When we release what no longer has value, we strengthen our integrity.
When we live our truth and embrace what we value, life works more effectively.

Sometimes we try to stop change, not realizing that change and flow are life.
When we stop moving our energy, thinking, feeling and acting, we stop living.
It is important that we align ourselves in all we do and where we go with Good.
When we live for Goodness sake, we are awake and benefit ourselves and others

I am willing and open to let go and allow change to be fun, safe and easy.
I am motivates and inspired by looking forward to novelty and newness.
I trust all change responded to with love and gratitude creates all Good and only Good.
I celebrate the next new opportunity to simplify, focus and create beauty and harmony.

I join with you as each of us embraces the loving and learning opportunities in life.
Life is good and getting better with ease and grace, as I gently release what is no longer of value.
Loving us all in our happy willingness.
Betty Lue