Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Have Less, Enjoy More

Some say young souls seek to get what they need.
Mature souls seek to get what they want to have.
Old souls seek to have less and give more.
Awakened souls know they have nothing and share everything.

Some cultures believe to have less is to have more.
Some teach having more is far better than having less.
Sometimes we need to experience having more and having less.
When we see happiness is not determined by how much we have, we have only what we value.

It matters not whether we are into having more or less.
It only matters that we stop comparing and have and give what is “right and true” for us.
It matters that we have what we want and feel grateful for creating it.
We learn what we really value by appreciating what we have and letting go of what is not needed.

We just moved into a little 493 sf one bedroom apartment in town two blocks from Reunion Center.
We love it!
Fun and yes, it is good we really like each other!
The eating area is now our office and the bedroom our beautiful sanctuary for renewal.

Our other home, Reunion Lake House and Hermitage Retreat in Lake County is beautiful and is being utilized more and more by individuals, couples and families.  The Lake House is our primary home and the Hermitage across the street houses those on retreat.  With the Positive Living Center just 3 minutes away for counseling and classes and a small book and spiritual gift shop, we can offer many opportunities for people to heal and grow spiritually. We are always provided with what we need to serve those who come to us.

What is best about our life is two fold.  
1) Being able and willing to go where we are called is a great joy and service.
Nomadic people were always the most trusting and free.
They owned very little and were guided to move wherever there was value for their families.
Own nothing and enjoy everything!
Being able and willing to give all to all is fun, safe and easy.
I realize it all comes from Source and is returned to Source every time I share for Good and Godly reasons. 
Attachment, neediness and greed, protection and defensiveness, comparison and envy cause suffering.
2) Always having what I am called to share is absolutely wonderful!
With this move, we have “saved” over one thousand dollars a month on rent.
With this “gifted” money, we have more to use as we are guided.
Whether holding in reserve for the next request or giving where it is valuable, we are willing and open.
To have all, give all to all.
When we are not afraid, not feeling needy or lacking, we can give freely with gratitude and joy.
When we are sharing with our brothers as ourselves, we see everything is a gift to ourselves.
When we deny no one, we trust we will never be denied when there is a genuine need.

Life offers us experiences of what we need to “know” in this grand learning laboratory.
Enjoy, appreciate and learn from the life you are experiencing.
It is all a Gift to you, for you from YOU.

Loving You,  
Betty Lue