Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love Is Trust and Freedom

Do you believe people should do what you want or what they want to do?
Do you believe you need to do what others want or what you want to do? 
Do you believe that all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Do you believe that you have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

I imagine that you want to have the freedom to do as you want to do.
If you have that right and privilege, are you not responsible for sharing it with others?
Doesn’t it seem right and fair to give the right to all people to have life, liberty and happiness?
What are the limits to that right? To do no harm to others and to make choices that respect others’ rights.

Does this include our spouse, our kids, our parents, people who are disable, elders, immigrants and all?
Does this include risk taking teenagers, outspoken kids, teachers and preachers, our parents?
Imagine that everyone has a destiny and a life purpose to fulfill.
Their way may seem ridiculous, scary, dangerous, foolish and not my way, but each one has a right.

Perhaps this is what Love really means…..
No restriction, No interference. No need to question or doubt or worry.
Perhaps Love is truly trusting each person to fulfill their own path, their own destination in life.
Some want to live dangerously and some live cautiously.
Some live openly and some live privately.
Some live with lots of money and some with little or none.
Some want to wear clothes and some prefer nudity.
Some like to talk lots and loudly and some speak little in a quiet tone.
Some like to read and others watch TV or spend their time outside.
What about you and what you choose to do with your life?

Do you want your parents, teachers, preachers, law makers, neighbors to tell you how to live?
Do you want the freedom to live your way, unless it does harm to someone?
What is this trust and freedom and how does it work without harm?
People who have freedom and trust are often disturbing to others, expressing, unique and shocking.

Is it OK to choose to live your own way, trusting your self and freeing yourself to be?
Of course in a large world with lots of space, we simply move away and find our own right place to be.
In a home, workplace or classroom where others want to be free to choose, we must respect others’ rights.
When one person’s freedom interferes with anothers’ freedom, whose rights do we protect and respect?

The more afraid we are for ourselves and others, the more we make rules, demands and punishment.
The more trusting we are, the more we give ourselves and others freedom to experiment and explore.
When the experimenting and exploration, trial and error seems to impact or interfere, we being to limit it.
When we give ourselves the freedom to choose and trust our choices, the more we trust and free others.

Love is letting go of fear.
When we have no fear, we trust and free ourselves and others.
When we trust and free everyone, we discover what works.
When we experience what works, we are happy and choose what works more.

Perhaps trust and freedom are the way we create peace and harmony, joy and gratitude on earth.

Loving you in trusting you.
Loving you in freedom for you.
Trusting with exploration, experimentation, experiencing you will learn what works for us all.
Betty Lue

Ask yourself what you believe about your children and grandchildren and about our elders, especially as we get older.
Are we here to protect, restrict, worry and limit those we love?
Or are we here to love people by trusting them and freeing them to do their lives their way?
When do we stop them?  When they endanger themselves and others or when they do what we don’t like?
From Dr. Wayne Dyer 
What Do You Want More Than Anything For Your Children? 
        Value Themselves
•           Be Risk Takers
•           Self-Reliance
•           Freedom from Stress and Anxiety
•           Have Peaceful Lives
•           Celebrate Present Moments
•           Experience a Lifetime of Wellness
•           Creativity
•           Fulfill Their Higher Needs 
•           Feel A Sense of Purpose

YOU must Demonstrate / Model:
• The ability to enjoy life.
• Be a positive example.
• Clarify what you know and how you feel.
• Be expressive (Feel–Want–Willing)

Average children do things right.
No limit children do the right thing. 

Basic Principles for Building Self-Esteem in Your Children
1.        You must model self-respect.
2.         Treat each child as a unique individual.
3.         A child is not his actions.
4.         Provide opportunities to be responsible and make decisions.
5.         Teach enjoyment of life each day.
6.         Provide praise rather than criticism.
7          We become what we think about. Our thinking determines our self-image.

To Raise A Child’s Self-Portrait (Self-Image)
1.        Encourage children to be risk-takers rather than always taking the safe road.
2.         Discourage children from all self put downs.
3.         Reduce emphasis on external measures of success.
4.         Work at reducing whining and complaining behavior.
5.         Encourage excitement about everything in life.
6.         Encourage children to choose independence rather than dependence.
7.         Teach children to be non-judgmental.
8.         Encourage children to be honest with themselves.
9.         Be aware in the importance of appearance to young people.
10.       Encourage healthy thinking.
11.       Catch children doing something right. Remind them of how terriffic they are.
12.       Treat children as total and complete, now.
13.       Hold them, touch them, kiss them.
14.       Listen carefully to your children.
15.       Give them opportunities to be unique.
16        Encourage their friends to “hang out” at your home.
17.       Read aloud with them at all ages.
18.       Be involved in their age-related activities.