Are you loving you?
This is your primary job on this earth.
When you are loving yourself, you will know how to love others.
When you are loving you, you will know others cannot love well because they do not love themselves.
When you are loving you, you may teach others by example to love themselves and love you.
When you are loving you, you are not needy, jealous, hurt or angered.
When you love yourself consistently, you will love others consistently.
When you forget yourself, you will forget others and they will forget you.
When you deny yourself, you may deny others and they may neglect or deny you.
When you criticize yourself, you may criticize others and they may criticize you.
You see, what you give to yourself, you teach others to also give to you and to themselves.
It is essential for the healing of all that we begin with self love, loving the one we are unconditionally.
It is imperative that we begin within, because no one else knows us as we know ourselves.
It is required that we heal, dissolve and forgive all blocks to loving our whole and holy selves.
When we experience perfect eternal love for ourselves that we know God.
When we see ourselves with compassion, understanding and great appreciation, we know we are Good. When we forgive all our judgments, mis-creations, fears and past history, we begin to see the Divinity.
When we love enough, we are unlimited and powerful and peaceful and creative and truly happy.
When we wait for another to love us unconditionally, we are waiting for one who is loving themselves totally.
These beings are rare.
Most human beings have learned to judge themselves and punish themselves by withholding love.
Most partners, lovers, parents, friends, siblings cannot give us what we really want until they have it to give.
What would it take for you to be the one, to begin this new consciousness of total unconditional Love?
What keeps you from giving yourself all the happiness, peace, security and appreciation you lack?
Why deny yourself Love and perfect happiness and wait for someone else to give it to you?
Why not choose today to begin a new way to play the game of Life, love yourself and end all strife!
Can you see how happy, helpful and grateful you will be when you love yourself perfectly?
NO matter what others do, love the one you are and see the Best in you.
You can lead the way in your family, in your home and business too to ring the love outside of you.
It doesn’t matter what others do or say, be happy, be helpful, be loving and enjoy being YOU!
PS. Most people have bad days, or just want to turn down their light,
Tell yourself it is quite alright.
Take some time off and get away.
Fill your tank with love in whatever way works.
Loving us all as we learn to love ourselves really well.
Betty Lue