Are you ready today and tomorrow for what is to come?
Are you ready to offer help to others, if needed?
Are you willing to open up your heart to extend Love?
Are you here to give love and peace to other who may need you?
Before we are prepared to greet our guests, family members and strangers, our own life must be made ready.
Before we can offer comfort to someone in need, we must know how to comfort ourselves.
Before we can authentically bring peace and reassurance to another, we must be peaceful and trusting.
Before we can fully celebrate the holidays and everyday, we must be truly grateful and happy.
We know examples of those we admire, heroes, teachers, spiritual leaders, Great Ones who live their Truth.
They showed the way to live with integrity, confidence, courage, sincerity, and creativity .
They usually display the highest ideals for peace, and equanimity, love and kindness for all.
It seems to be our turn to learn and practice what is effective, real and lasting, truly healing for humanity.
In the big picture, this means to treat everyone with forgiveness, respect and Love, including ourselves.
In the real and practical sense, this means to get our own house in order.
We must heal and repair past incompletions, errors, unfulfilled promises and make amend for wrongdoing.
We must prepare for being able and willing to respond with strength and courage, kindness and helpfulness.
So what do you need to do to get ready?
Everyday in everyway forgive yourself and others.
Take time to listen within to do what is effective, meaningful and valuable.
Let go of always following the urgent stuff and tend to what is the foundation of your own wholeness.
When we allow the world’s emergencies and urgencies to lead us, we are at the effect, victims of life.
When we succumb and give attention to the loudest voice, the squeaky wheel, we are slaves to problems.
When we take time early in the day, to set the tone of peace and harmony within, we lead the way.
When we keep our own spiritual house in order by remembering to plug in to the Highest Truth, we know.
Life can be about the tail wagging the dog, allowing the problem to get the best of us, or forgiving.
When we forgive, we choose to live and give our best always.
When we fear and judge, avoid and /or react, we panic and give our fear-based words and behavior.
When we stop, be still and listen within for the loving way, we find what is healing and effective.
In the midst of the holiday season, many people think they have good reason to be stressed.
When we plan to be stressed, we will be.
When we plan to be at peace, we can remember and choose again.
We can create the holidays and everyday to be what we prepare for.
Let us repair our past memories of stress, problems, difficulties, conflicts and yucky stuff.
Let us prepare for today and tomorrow and every encounter to be healing and helpful.
Let us honor the gift we have of knowing we can be the peaceful and happy Presence.
Let us enjoy today and everyday with making each relationship holy.
Loving us all as the One!
Betty Lue