My Holiday Gift to myself this year is a new Playground of Possibilities!
What I give to myself is given to my world.
What brings inspiration and joy to me is a gift to all humanity.
What I love and enjoy loves me back with joy, gratitude and fulfillment.
As 2012 arrives, we are creating the Positive Living Center in Hidden Valley Lake, CA.
Yes, my friends who now live in Hidden Valley Lake community are joining us to create.
We are creating a sacred, beautiful place of inspiration, education and natural healing.
The natural awe-inspiring beauty of the area is a reflection of the inner beauty in each being.
We are seeing it as a place of gathering with abundant love, kindness, respect and generosity.
We know our Light will attract and call forth the Light in those who seek to be seen.
There will be great opportunities for celebration as all heal and reveal their brilliant Essence.
From children to elders, wounded and healed, ignorant and educated all will be honored and valued.
Releasing limits, infinite possibilities.
Clearing restrictions, choosing freedom.
Healing resistance, opening flow.
Forgiving doubts, inspiring trust.
Building a life where we think and feel free to trust ourselves and our inner guidance is key.
Choosing creations which allow infinite possibilities to flourish is a gift to all creation.
Learning to let go of all blocks to freedom and trust is total forgiveness of all that is not Love.
Making each day fun, safe and easy is the result of letting Spirit within be our guide.
Yes, I imagine our new Positive Living Center in Lake County (right off Highway 29) will be a place of healing and Self Realization, forgiveness and Reunion, clearing and Creativity, seeking and Success.
Yes, I see all who enter to play and work, create and rest, inspire and be inspired, teach and touch, All will contribute and benefit.
Yes, as we awaken to the Blessings of Now, we realize the gift of each and every Holy Encounter.
Yes, as we Play in the Playground of Possibilities, we receive the Infinite Truth of Life and our Being.
Come play, retreat, serve, imagine and Be with us .
Every moment is a playground of possibilities for you and for me.
The holidays, these Christmas, Solstice, Chanukah and Kwanza holy days, are to remind us!
Enjoy Being fully alive and give the Gifts of your Joyous and Grateful Self.
You are the Real Gift.
Give yourself with all the Love and Joy in You.
You will remember what it feels like to be really unlimited in Love and Peace.
Loving us everyone, just as we come.
Betty Lue
If you want to go caroling on Christmas Day afternoon with us, email me.
(Schedule may be changed a little)
If you want to know you are loved, email me.
(I am here and will respond,)
If you want to believe in Santa Claus, or a Savior, email me.
(I can show you how to find your faith.)
When we fully forgive the hurts and mistakes along the way, we see and know clearly what is True.