Are you ready for the Holidays?
Are you ready for the New Year?
Are you ready to remember Love?
Are you ready for a Good and Happy Life?
What needs to be healed?
What needs to be revealed?
How long will you wait?
Why hesitate?
Do it now before the rush.
Take time today for a holy day.
Why wait to heal what was never hurt?
Why not take this moment to forgive?
This is a movie, we are living.
We are the script writer, producer, director and lead actor on our stage.
We can hand over responsibility (blame and credit) to anyone we want.
Or we can be the one to edit, change or rearrange the film with endings as we wish.
If we like drama or rushing, it is ours to choose.
If we prefer peace and harmony, boring some might say, we can have this as well.
We can invite and fire any acting on our stage and ever rewrite the script.
Forgiveness is the key to let the past movies go and choose again for the one today.
I choose to have everyday be fun, safe and easy.
I choose to let these holy days be filled with happiness and peace.
I choose to give and receive always and only gifts of love.
I choose to contribute joy and inspiration to my world and all I know.
And with this I use each moment to clean up as I go.
When I find irritation, impatience, confusion or pain, I let go and choose again.
When I hear words that are unloving or unkind, I forgive and remind myself with Love.
When I get that I am not really here, but caught in memories unclear, I seek to delight in right now.
The reparation and preparation of my life is to always and forever be true, to the Light of Love shining in me and in you.
Let us repair by renewing our minds and writing a new script.
Let us forgive our misgivings and really be quick about choosing again.
Let us really Love one another and forever be new, born again in the Love and Light of God.
Bless us all everyone,
Betty Lue