Easy to say.
Sometimes seems difficult to do.
Requires practice.
Breathing slowly.
Letting go is fun, safe and easy.
I am willing to be calm.
I am peace.
I breathe peace.
I think peace.
I live Peace.
You guessed it.
This morning I am in a hurry.
Feeling late and stressed.
And still I know: All is Well.
Favorite reminders:
Everything always works more exquisitely than I can plan.
Everything works together for Good.
I am open and willing to allow the Christ, the love and light within me, to flow through my every activity.
Did you know that there is God energy, life force, light and love, in you and me at all times?
Did you know that we can choose which voice we listen to, the voice for love or the voice for fear?
Did you know that the world teaches the importance of stuff and things time and space, rules and should?
Did you know that Spirit, Prana, Life, Energy, simply is flowing effortlessly and perfectly always?
What if I forget the thoughts my ego thinks?
What if it think the thoughts of Goodness, Oneness and Love/
What if I forgive my limited thinking and think only of Abundance, Ease and Grace?
What if I choose to give my whole Self to trust and freedom, flow and peace, gratitude and joy?
Sounds pretty good to me.
And so it is.
All good for All.
Loving you,
Betty Lue