Are you open to receive all Good and only Good?
Are you listening to the Voice of Love within?
Are you living with gratitude?
Are you giving and receiving abundantly?
The only limits to what we receive are because block the awareness of what is already here.
We have falsely learned there is a limited supply and when we give we lose or limit others.
We may believe that the Universe only gives to those who are special or perhaps needy.
When we stay closed or careful in our receptivity, we limit our awareness of our abundant provision.
Yes, there is plenty of Good for everyone.
There is plenty of Love with no one loved less or more by the Source, the Creator.
There is plenty of what we need when we forgive our limiting beliefs in lack and limitation.
There is plenty of Joy and Peace and Guidance when we give up our criticism, conflict and control.
You can make a difference in your life today.
There is plenty of time.
I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing for the right reasons.
There is plenty of guidance and support.
Everything always works more exquisitely than I can plan.
There is plenty of Good.
All things work together for Good.
There is plenty of Abundance.
I always have All I need to serve All.
There is plenty for Everyone.
To have All, Give All to All.
What Can You Do Right Now?
Take time to affirm.
I now receive All Good and only Good.
I forgive myself for limiting myself.
Set aside time to Listen.
· Spend five minutes twice daily being quiet and listening.
· Write down everything you hear in your mind.
Clear inter-fear-ence and self sabotage.
I forgive feelings of unworthiness and self limitation.
Let go and open the flow.
I trust I am perfectly guided and abundantly provided.
Receive with an open heart and full appreciation.
I am grateful for All the Good I have, All I receive and All I give.
Seeing you full of Love, Light and all things Good, and Whole and Beautiful,
Betty Lue
You are my spiritual partners as we conspire to co-create a better world.
My heart smiles and my spirit rejoices.
Your gifts of love and appreciation inspire me and feed my soul.
Celebrate the gifts we share and grow in abundance and beauty.
Offering all I am given in Love, supports, strengthens and affirms this Love.
I love you, as you live the life you consciously desire.
I am supported and sustained by your kindness and generosity.
May you honor your Holy Self as you walk in Goodness, Beauty and Love.
Loving You,
Betty Lue