What a great excuse and invitation to remember!
· Shine our Light on any darkness.
· Dissolve fear with Love.
· Educate ignorance with Awareness.
· Bring Peace to all Conflict- thoughts, words and actions.
We are the Light of the World.
This is our healing and holy function here.
We radiate Light by clearing the mirror in our minds.
We shine the Light by reflecting the Light of God, Good and Holiness.
Remember Love and Return to Wholeness and Holiness.
We must forgive continuously to remember perfect Love.
We are called to forgive and erase with Love all that is not LOVE.
We are here to be the Loving Reminders wherever we go and whatever we do.
What would it take for you to give up the darkness, ignorance, fear and conflict of the world?
How can you clear the negativity, the struggle, the pain and suffering of judging everything?
Are you willing to clear the decks and light the lamp of forgiveness and release of the past?
Can you stop speaking, hearing and seeing what is “evil” and stop spreading fear?
These are challenging questions for our ego, for this time, for humanity.
We are being called forth to declare our willingness to let go and undo what we do not want.
We are asked to stop preaching defensiveness and thereby empowering what we defend against.
We are encouraged to release what we fear and judge and choose an enlightened way to live.
We are here to give……not get.
We are here to trust…..not doubt.
We are here to create……not destroy.
We are here to appreciate….not diminish.
It takes very little to make the choice to give voice to what is Good.
It only requires a willingness to undo what has perpetuate what we do not want to be and see.
Life asks of us that we affirm what we choose to be and see.
We are invited to confirm the goodness and beauty and wholeness we create with Gratitude.
Breathe and release.
Pause and forgive.
Stop and undo.
Let go and be open to not know.
· Look for the Light.
· Follow the Joy.
· Listen to Goodness, Kindness and Love.
· Appreciate the Beautiful and Holiness in You and in me.
This is the way to a delightful world illuminated with our Love.
Loving you,
Betty Lue