(Part 2 of a response to a reader.)
This reminder is a wakeup call for those who are struggling with finances, complaining about lack,
and depending on someone or something else to make their lives work.
Good Fortune Comes to Those Who Appreciate What They Have.
How little can you actually live with?
What income do you really need?
What will you do with your money?
What do you need to be able to continue doing what you love?
Are you willing to not be “needy”, to give and share abundantly?
Are you willing to love, care for and bless everything you have?
When we live in comparison with others or with the past, we may feel cheated, hurt and scared.
When we live trusting our basic needs will be met, we can eat well and sleep in peace.
You choose how you see, think of and believe about yourself.
I know you are Love Itself.
I know God provides for every Good work.
I know you can have everything you need to do the Good works you are guided to do.
I totally trust God and Good in you.
Addendum for those in service, entrepreneurs, those missing what they had and wanting more):
Care for you own basic needs FIRST (mentally, physically spiritually financially.
Find a place, a way, a budget to support yourself and family simply.
Live within your means.
Look at all your expenses to see what you can change., let go and minimize.
During changing times we need to live with acceptance for what is and practical response-ability.
We can live on Social Security, but we need to live differently.
We can live on the land, “off the grid”, but we need to choose differently.
Even here in CA, we can find a way, if we are willing to make changes.
We can move easily when we have less and live more consciously.
We can change our spending habits to habits of contribution and sharing.
We can build community by naturally being good neighbors.
We can live with and associate with those who are trusting and generous.
We can borrow and lend to support everyone having everything.
There are many places to live on less, if we are willing to move.
There are many ways to eat and clothe ourselves, on less, if we are willing to change.
There are many ways to handle utilities and educational needs, if we are willing to change our minds.
There are many ways to create beauty in our homes, if we are willing to use our imagination.
Most of us in our American culture are accustomed to affluence.
Most are used to being paid, whether or not we work.
Most want to have more and do less.
Most believe in a system of dependency on government, parents, religious beliefs, friends, etc.
Do you like who you are?
Do you appreciate those with whom you live/
Do you enjoy the work you do?
(And why are you not working everyday, as volunteer or support for family or yourself?)
Do you respect the life you live?
Are you pleased with yourself?
Are you happy with how you give?
Are you using all you have for Good?
Are you appreciative of your creations?
When you see what could be better, do better.
When you know what needs forgiveness, forgive.
When you are aware of things and people and habits to let go, let them go.
When you realize the creative potential in you, just GO FOR IT!
I am loving you,
Betty Lue
PS. Homes can be purchased in Hidden Valley Lake, CA, safe, friendly beautiful gated community with many recreational resources 30 minutes north of Calistoga, for $$60, 000 and up and rented for $1000-$1200. This is where we live half time, have our retreat house, and will be founding a new spiritual and holistic center. The community of like-minded loving happy folks has begun with more to come! Look for your right place to be to live and give joyfully.