Do you know when your personality is acting out and taking charge?
Do you know when you are having a temper tantrum, trying to get attention?
Do you know when you are trying to control or manipulate to get your own way?
Do you know when your learned ego is making decisions for you to protect you from learned fears?
Most of us believe this is our wisdom based on historical evidence of what has power.
Most humans believe judgments and fear are needed to defend and justify our position.
Most learning is based on experiences of fear, pain, and punishment.
Most of the personalities admonitions are to caution us and deplete our enthusiasm.
Wherever we place our trust, we strengthen that voice in our lives.
Wherever we pay attention, we give increase power.
Wherever we agree or join, we create more of the same.
Whatever we choose to focus on, becomes our light, our goal, our Belief.
We have a Spiritual ReSource which we are born with.
We have a place within where Truth resides.
We have a home that nothing can destroy.
We have an inner wholeness where only Love abides.
This is an inner voice that holds spiritual wisdom.
This is a guidance system that does not fail.
This is a prayer of Perfect Love and appreciation.
This is heaven where only blessings dwell.
Beneath the surface learning of our ego persona, we have an inner Voice that guides us into Peace.
Forgiving and forgetting our past history, we find the moment Now where all of us can reach.
When we enter into silence, hushing the chatter of our worldly mind, therein lies the sweet guidance.
When we sit still long enough to come home to our True Self, we can hear our Inner Voice of Love.
Patience is required.
Practice is desired.
Commitment is essential.
Obedience is fundamental.
Truly … we need to make time and take time to listen within.
Honestly …we must sit with paper and pen to ask and receive, to listen again and again.
Usually…the ego personality will override and erase what we hear because it has fear.
Always… the Authentic, Essential, Whole Self will guide us perfectly when we listen and follow.
Take time to listen today.
Remember to Love YOU, the Real You, as we say.
To Love One is to Love us All, because we are One.
All Loving All.
Betty Lue